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[[left margin]] Yachts meeting [[\left margin]]
and tied up along the wharf at 9 A.M. The other yachts arrived by and by.  The same cheerful
cheerful group of men and woman as of former years; but [[red underlined]] some of our former friends, W.J. Matheson [[\red underline]] and Commadore [[red underlined]] Ralph Munroe [[/red underlined]] are missing [[red underlined]] never to return [[/red underlined]] but the younger generation maintains the same spirit. The fish-chowder was better than ever, and made the main of our [[strikethrough] meal [[/strikethrough]] luncheon which we took as usually under one of the [[red underlined]] Palm tatched Seminole [[\red underline]] huts, in company of Dr. and Mrs. [[red underlined]] Cory Hutchinson [[/red underlined]], then went visiting the other yachts etc.
Before the others arrived Mr. [[red underlined]] Willes Wood [[/red underlined]] took me and Celine to their [[red underlined]] Moorish Palace [[/red underlined]] which [[red underlined]] Mrs. Wood inherited from her [[/red underlined]] father W. J Matheson, then drove us around the
[[end page]]
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[[left margin]] El Jardin new owners [[\left margin]]. 
Island.  We returned in our harbor at 4 P.M.  Next door at [[red underlined]] El Jardin, [[/red underlined]] they are driving in new poles in [[red underlined]] their harbor [[/red underlined]] and filling bare places with
Coconut Palms, rebuilding the roads, breaking down all [[strikethrough]] rubb [[\strikethrough]] rubbish and replacing the damaged room, all in expectation of some visitor, which is unknown thus far. Some say it Frank
Roosevelt, others Lindberg - some say W.J. Hearst!
I hope not.
This was a most enjoyable beautiful day.
[[underlined]] Feb. 24. [[/underlined]] All day busy here on income taxes and Gift tax reports. [[red underlined]] Celine [[/red underlined]] went to Palm Beach will [[red underlined] Marian
Faircheld]] (the latter driving) [[/red underlined]] to the flower show there.
She returned at 10 P.M.