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Very much the same as last year.  Same crowded room altho' large and crowded visitors.  Met there the daughter of [[red underline]] John E. Andrews [[\red underline]] who I have not seen since about twenty years and her husband Taylor. - Same [[red underline]] insignificant man. [[\red underline]]  Also a Mrs. [[red underline]] Goodall, [[\red underline]] blonde and fat and much painted who says she and her husband and other people of Minneapolis (?) travelled on same boat in 1920 to Valparaiso.  Then took Celine to a Cinema on Miami Boulevard.  Subject "Beloved" far above the average with Boles as main actor.  Well written well played, then back home where we arrived about 9.30 P.M.  Intermittent rain & wind all day.
[[underline]] March 2 [[\underline]]  Rain seems over.  [[red underline]] George [[\red underline]] writes me advising paying [[red underline]] quarterly dividend before March [[\red underline]] 15, or sooner to give stockholders cash for income tax.  Wrote him I agree with him but [[red underline]] stockholders who have borrowed money from company should use dividend for paying their debt, [[\red underline]] if they are not in our employ.  Those in our employ should pay up part of their dividends to reduce loan & interest.
Still rather windy but sunny and pleasant.
[[underline]] March 3. [[\underline]]  Have been waiting yesterday for important letter sent by Air Mail.  Should have been here yesterday.  At 3 P.M. got 
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[[left margin]] Stupidity of Postmaster Farley [[\left margin]]
carbon copy duplicate of this letter by [[underline]] ordinary mail. [[\underline]]  Then about [[underline]] four hours [[\underline]] letter the Air mail letter, having in addition [[underline]] Express delivery [[\underline]] stamp was delivered here at [[underline]] 6.54 [[\underline]] P.M.  This is a symptom of the havoc in our [[red underline]] Air Mail service, due to that politician Postmaster General Farley [[\red underline]] who broke up the most efficient [[red underline]] Air mail system [[\red underline]] in the world and compelled the Army flier to take up the service before the latter had time to get acquainted with it. 
The Air Mail letter was stamped "March 1 - 5.30 P.M. - New York Central Post office station and had been dropped in the same box with the plain ordinary mail stamp.
[[left margin]] Tugwell [[\left margin]]
[[underline]] Sunday. March 4. [[\underline]]  [[red underline]] Fairchild [[\red underline]] and his wife came here early to consult me about [[red underline]] Tugwell [[\red underline]] who 'phoned them he wanted to visit them today.  Told Fairchild I preferred he would not bring him here as I am not in sympathy with the dogmatic, reckless attitude of this man, who altho' one my colleagues on Roosevelts "Brain Trust", may precisely