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be [[red underline]] one of the fanatics, who may bring Roosevelt in trouble. [[\red underline]]  I believe that [[red underline]] Farley [[\red underline]] the relentless professional politician is even more dangerous for Roosevelt.
[[left margin]] Wallace [[\left margin]]
[[red underline]] Wallace, [[\red underline]] Secretary of Agriculture has recently published an article in the New York Times, full of common sense but which enrages the the radical dogmatists to whom he is persona non grata.  [[red underline]] Davis, [[\red underline]] former democratic candidate in 1922 has shown his courage and common sense by publicly endorsing [[red underline]] Wallace's [[\red underline]] point of view.
[[left margin]] [[red underline]] Howard [[\red underline]] [[\left margin]]
Henry [[red underline]] Howard [[\red underline]] and his wife in [[red underline]] their usual blundering way [[\red underline]] have arranged a dinner on board of their boat at 7 P.M instead of in daylight, notwithstanding the fact that their boat, anchored away from the Yacht Club if of difficult access in a dark night.  Having the advantage of being known as not going to dinners etc I got out.  But Celine goes.  A beautiful day, but most
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of it used to writing and reading.
Workmen at [[red underline]] El Jardin [[\red underline]] busy all day with roof repairing and general repairs on buildings.
[[left margin]] Taxes [[\left margin]]
Monday [[underline]] March 5. [[\underline]]  All day busy with [[red underline]] tax & gift taxes. [[\red underline]]  The melting snow in the North is now causing floods there.
[[underline]] March. 6. [[\underline]]  Am sending gift tax returns for 1933 also my income tax returns and checks thereto directly to Internal Revenue dept in Washington, together with an explanatory letter and checks.  As far as I know I ought to be able to deduct [[red underline]] my gift taxes of over $40000 [[\red underline]] from my income taxes of about $20000.
[[underline]] March 6 [[\underline]]  Sent by Air Mail copies of my paper for [[red underline]] Madrid [[\red underline]] to our office to deliver them to Prof. [[red underline]] Bartow [[\red underline]] who leaves by Steamer "American Banker" Friday afternoon.
[[left margin]] [[red underline]] Spain [[\red underline]] meeting [[\left margin]]
Also copy to Prof. [[red underline]] Kurt Meyer [[\red underline]] of University of Geneva in Switzerland, who invited me to present that paper.  Wrote him a letter at same time, announcing that [[red underline]] Bartow [[\red underline]] will read my paper.  Am having made 3 more type-