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[[left margin vertical in red]] Kirkpatrick [[/left margin vertical in red]]
Bakelite. altho' [[underlined in red]] George reports
business keeps [[/underlined in red]] up, but a recess is expected, followed by a renewal of increase 
[[strikethrough]] Fitzpatrick (or [[/strikethrough]] [[/underlined in red]] Kirkpatrick) [[/underlined in red]] and his patents visited here on his way back from the Chemical meeting in St. Petersburg. Offered them the usual courtesies.
Kirkpatrick is the Editor of [[underlined in red]] "Chem. and Met. engineering" [[underlined in red]] 
[[left margin in red]] Pan American flying field [[/left margin]]
[[underlined]] April 3, April 4. [[/underlined]] Went with Celine to [[underlined in red]] Pan American Flying [[/underlined in red]] Field & new buildings now completed
About 5 - 6 P.M when the Air lines arrived from Cuba, Nassau and South American countries Former [[underlined in red]] "Dinner Key" [[/underlined in red]] has been much transformed, filled in from dredgings. Substantial buildings for offices and waiting rooms with excellent restaurant and balconies & platforms giving a marvelous view over the sea and surrounding landscapes. The style decorating an architecture of the Central Building are very appropriate and make a cheerful, impression In center of Main Hall there is a huge terrestrial sphere
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[[left margin vertical in red]] Pan American [[/left margin vertical in red]]
showing air routes and which is about 10 or 12 feet diameter perhaps more. - [[underlined in red]] What a transformation in such a short [[/underlined in red]] time. Roomy roads lined with tropical vegetation and flowers and abundant parking space for motor cars The climate the sea and landscape far removed from the city or other buildings or business traffic give an impression of open space and esthetic view which is striking by different of that horrible New York Air Port in New Jersey. I can readily believe that this [[strikethrough]] is the mo [[/strikethrough]] Pan American Air port is the [[underlined in red]] most beautiful and cheerful of all others. [[/underlined in red]]
[[left margin vertical in red]] Trust funds [[/left margin in red]]
[[underlined]] April 5 [[/underlined]] Had visit here by appointment of Mr. [[underlined in red]] Harrigan [[/underlined in red]] of the Miami Branch of [[underlined in red]] Jacksonville Internal revenue [[/underlined in red]] who came to examin my gift tax returns for the 15000 shares of Bakelite Common which I gave to Celine George and Nina's children's [[underlined in red]] Trust funds. [[/underlined in red]] and for which I have sent them my check for [[underlined in red]] $44560.00 [[/underlined in red]] calculating the value at $45.00 a share of common