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which permits entrance from the bay. 
[[vertical notation in left margin in red, underlined]] Soldier Key [[/left margin in red, underlined]]
Afterwards we went to [[underlined in red]] Soldier Key, [[/underlined in red]] where we caught enough fish for all. Then a good swim and back in our harbor about 5:30 P.M. Am glad to see how [[underlined in red]] Fairchild [[/underlined in red]] is becoming his old self again. His only drawback seems to be a [[underlined in red]] slight limp [[/underlined in red]] while walking and difficulty to climb stairs. [[underlined in red]] Graham is a young giant, [[/underlined in red]] reminds me much of his illustrious Grandfather Alexander Graham. Bell. He specialises in [[underlined in red]] entomology [[/underlined in red]] and seems well posted generally. Handy also on a boat and at fishing
[[underlined]] May 26. [[/underlined]] 
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] German Bakelite [[/left margin in red]]
Mailed a [[strikethrough]] long [[/strikethrough]] letter special delivery, giving directions to office for proxy and ^[[our]] candidates for [[underlined in red]] directorship in Bakelite Gesellschaft [[/underlined in red]] etc. which I shall follow up to morrow by a telegram after I shall have received copy of the [[underlined in red]] letter of Stauss [[/underlined in red]] and balance sheet & [[strikethrough]] prop [[/strikethrough]] net earnings which office tells me has been mailed to me.
Proxies etc. must be received in Berlin by June 8 which has been set as date for annual meeting of stockholders and election of directors
Violent [[strikethrough]] storm [[/strikethrough]] shower but no wind. Mosquitoes much increased
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Humidity. 95% with temperature 74° to 84°F.
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Humidity [[/left margin  in red]]
[[underlined]] May 27 [[/underlined]] Sunday. Finally got [[strikethrough]] that [[/strikethrough]] by Special delivery that letter of [[underlined in red]] Stauss [[/underlined in red]] where he [[strikethrough]] explain [[/strikethrough]] gives [[underlined in red]] Balance [[/underlined in red]] sheet & net earning with his explanations and how they now arrange so that we do not have to pay that 2% in cash for last years. More showers.
[[underlined]] May 28. [[/underlined]] Showers and mosquitoes. Humidity at 95% at 11 A.M. Then suddenly wind shifts to the West and humidity drops to 45%. Strong westerly wind and 82°F, and the whole atmosphere clears and becomes very pleasantly cool altho' 82°F.
Water in swimming tank is 86°F
[[vertical notation in left margin in red]] Mosquitos [[/left margin in red]]
[[underlined]] May 29. [[/underlined]] Pleasant cool weather. Drove to Miami and got stuck with our Station Wagon which I had to leave at parking station, while man of garage drove me home. - Self starter did not work
[[underlined]] May 30. [[/underlined]] Decoration day. Andrew brought car back, but says there is a leak in one of the cylinder and piston sticks
Dr. & Mrs. [[underlinedin red]] Fairchild [[/underlined in red]] came here to see Mango wine I started this morning with their son [[underlined in red]] Graham [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] May 31. [[/underlined]] Went out with the ION. Splendid weather. Left high tide from harbor at 10:10. Murray and William with me. Went first to Towering Rocks, caught 2 large Sheep fish and one parrot fish then cruised trawling in the deeper channel of Gulf stream then