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in net earnings of company, after preferred dividends are paid + certain payments on common and then for any excess thereafter a certain percentage to go automatically to every employed in accordance to the amount of his salary. - I am also in favor of this. - [[underlined in red]] Both measures I have desired long ago [[/underlined in red]] and would now be in practice of it had not been for our losses during the depression
[[left margin vertical in red]] Sachs is dropped in Germany [[/left margin vertical in red]]
Telegram & letters from Germany announcing [[underlined in red]] Sachs will cease to be the head of Bakelite [[/underlined in red]] Ges. but will serve in advisory capacity for 3 years to the new head.
[[underlined in red]] Dr. Heil [[/underlined in red]] instead of Dr. Elbel will visit us as suggested by Rossi.
[[underlined]] June 29. [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin vertical in red]] Dr Daland [[/left margin vertical in red]]
At office, then to University Club where spent afternoon with [[underlined in red]] Dr. Judson Daland [[/underlined in red]] of Philadelphia. who is on his way to [[underlined in red]] Mexico to study tropical diseases; notwithstanding his 75 years age. He looks aged much since I last saw him but he is as much as ever interested in medical research.
A very hot day but dry and windy.
[[underlined]] June 30. [[/underlined]] Cooler. At home. [[underlined in red]] Daland [[/underlined in red]] here for luncheon and stayed till 5. P.M. He is on his way to [[strikethrough]] stud [[/strikethrough]] Vera - Cruz and Mexico to study Tropical diseases
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[[left margin vertical in red]] Dr Daland [[/left margin vertical in red]]
Had a long talk about many matters and he [[underline din red]] told me the story how he came to study medicine [[/underlined in red]] and to go in medical research work 
He has recently given his fortune except 
10,000$ ($300000) for medical research to the Philadelphia Institute for medical research, where the hospital has given him one of their buildings
[[underlined]] July 1. [[/underlined]] Sunday. - I have caught a [[underlined in red]] cold in the head [[/underlined in red]] - (or is it [[underlined in red]] hay-fever? [[/underlined in red]]) This puts me at a considerable disadvantage. George Baekeland came to visit me this morning and we had a cheerful chat about many matters [[underlined in red]] His wife [[/underlined in red]] and children are now at [[underlined in red]] Cape Cod, [[/underlined in red]] prior to going to our camp. I do not know whether it is due to my cold but it feels hotter and less comfortable here than at Coconut Grove, and I perspire very much altho' lightly clad. There are such contrasts in temperature in the house. One room feels very hot, the other feels cold. If [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] we had overhanging eaves of roof, the sun heat would not glitter directly in the rooms thru the windows
[[underlined]] July 2. [[/underlined]] Have [[underlined in red]] caught cold in the head, [[/underlined in red]] since arriving here. Nose obstructed and now increasing [[underlined in red]] sore throat [[/underlined in red]] since yesterday, and hoarse. So went to [[underlined in red]] Dr. Smith [[/underlined in red]] the nose and [[underlined in red]] throat specialist. [[/underlined in red]] He rinsed nose and throat passages with argyral, flushing them with the solution. This relieved me considerably but kept home all day writing and reading
[[underlined]] July 3. [[/underlined]] Feel much better, so went to office at meeting of [[underlined in red]] Operating Committee [[/underlined in red]] where [[underlined in red]] Holmgren [[/underlined in red]] explained our contemplated