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from the threatened troubles to his leg which worried us so much a year ago. - I feel really happy in seeing them all so well in spirit and body. Tomorrow evening [[red underlined]] they all leave for camp, [[/red underlined]] with their mother and with Nina.
Dick drove them back in our Station wagon where all three [[strikethrough]] squ [[/strikethrough]] instead of using the seats as benches, squatted in the rear box [[strikethrough]] of the [[/strikethrough]] on the floor of the car, [[strikethrough]] like [[strikethrough]] a [[underlined in red]] lusty, happy little group of children. [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] July 8 [[underlined]] (Sunday) Rain and sudden change of the wind brought thermometer down to 62°F since last night. It had marked 93° yesterday. So this is a general release after so many hot days.
Nina and Cornelia visited here prior to their departure for the camp. Expected them during the morning but they came about 1 P.M. after having run out of gasoline.
[[underlined]] July 9. [[/underlined]] 
Discussed with George further the advantages and disadvantages of an [[underlined in red]] alliance with U.C. & Carbide. [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] July 10 [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin vertical in red]] Karpen stock selling [[/left margin vertical in red]] [[underlined in red]] Karpens [[/underlined in red]] have offered their Common and  [[underlined in red]] preferred in England [[/underlined in red]] at exaggerated price. [[underlined in red]] Potter wired us [[/underlined in red]] this and asked for information. Cabled him back about the situation and why Karpens want to sell also that [[underlined in red]] last sales [[/underlined in red]] of stock in December were [[underlined in red]] at 45 for common and [[underlined in red]] 50 for preferred. [[/underlined in red]] See my cable.
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[[underlined]] July 11 [[/underlined]] Letter [[underlined in red]] Sachs [[/underlined in red]] asking us to sign new Italian agreement with S.I.R. after he has kept matter pending [[strikethrough]] since [[/strikethrough]] since September 1933. He has altered my paragraph protecting us against SIR. falling in power of interests hostile to ours. [[underlined in red]] His alteration makes it unacceptable [[/underlined in red]]
[[underlined]] July 12. [[/underlined]]
[[left margin in red]] Bound Brook [[/left margin in red]]
 Drove to [[underlined in red]] Bound Brook. [[/underlined in red]] Left Snug Rock at 8. P.M. over Washington Bridge. Got there about 10:30 AM Fine weather. - Low in conference with Rossi, & Oaks. Alan Brown away. So his assistants. - Contrary to opinion of all the office, there is not so crowded as to necessitate those [[underlined in red]] costly additions proposed [[/underlined in red]] Production has slackened considerably since the last weeks, and reserve manufactured materials are increasing. - But everything is neatly arranged and the place ^[[now]] looks finished and general impression is decidedly better than a year ago. Idle men are busy at painting and shaping things. The whole place makes an excellent impression. - Two individual boilers are being erected. Also wooden sheds and storage houses of former owner are finally being used for storing obsolete or surplus machines and junk
As the others were busy I preferred to make my inspection unconducted and unnoticed. In most of the departments nobody knew I was around. The [[underlined in red]] general spirit seems good [[/underlined in red]] and the