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[[left margin in red]] Georgetown Demerara [[/left margin in red]]
and is labeled as originary from [[underlined]] Madagascar. [[/underlined]] 
I found some large brown seeds - (took 2) of another palm called [[strikethrough]] Numa [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Nippa fructicans [[/red underlined]] which showed a slender green threadlike shoot at its apex, ready to develop further. Am taking it to Yonkers to send it to Florida together with various palm seeds I want to try. - Went to visit the [[red underlined]] Museum [[/red underlined]] comprising a large frame building with 2 floors, rather unpainted but kept clean. Local [[red underlined]] Indian tools, dresses weapons, [[/red underlined]] etc. woven articles. - 
[[left margin in red]] Swastika [[/left margin in red]]
Some of them showing [[red underlined]] Swastika [[/red underlined]] designs.  
[[left margin in red]] Matheson born here. [[/left margin in red]]
[[red underlined]] Probably this is reason why William H. Matheson who was born here [[/red underlined]] used
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[left margin in red]] Georgetown - Demerara [[/left margin in red]]
[[red underlined]] "Swastika" as the name of his Coconut Grove place, long before Hittler spread it in Germany. [[/red underlined]] There is also a [[red underlined]] library [[/red underlined]] housed in the same building. [[red underlined]] Books well kept [[/red underlined]] and much read.
Then also a [[red underlined]] Carnegie public Library [[/red underlined]] in a well built newer building.
Here again pure [[red underlined]] blacks, mulatos, Octoroons, Hindus, untouchables, Chinese [[/red underlined]] etc all live peacably together and attend to their work and some of the men and women show [[red underlined]] cross breeding of all these races. - All orderly, no dunkards [[/red underlined]] and no [[red underlined]] beggars. [[/red underlined]] Among them [[strikethrough]] Ne [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] tall negro policemen [[/red underlined]] conscious of their importance as representatives of the Government and guardians of the peace. [[red underlined]] What a difference with our Negroes and Harlem![[/red underlined]]

Transcription Notes:
Nippa fructicans is a misspelling of the Nipa Palm, Nypa Fruticans