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tells me that on the left between hills there is an excellent landlocked harbor with [[red underlined]] excellent anchorage [[/red underlined]] for any size vessel and that furthermore there is an easy landing, whence all merchandise could be transported to all parts of the mainland. Nothwithstanding this, ships anchor before Port of Spain in shallow water several miles [[strikethrough]] front [[/strikethrough]] from docks and R. R.
[[left margin in red]] Pointe St Pierre [[/left margin in red]]
[[underlined black and red]] Pointe St Pierre [[/underlined black and red]] is an oil fueling station, where oil is conveyed from big oil tanks in long pipeline over a long pier. Our oil filling kept on till late at night.
[[underlined]] Aug 31 [[/underlined]] Left the oil fueling station early in the morning to go to [[red underlined]] Brighton for a cargo of asphalt [[/red underlined]]. Arrived there about 6.A.M. Multitude of negroes waiting on the long steel pier, on which the [[red underlined]] Asphalt drums [[/red underlined]] are conveyed automatically by a suspended rail transmission from the asphalt works. The [[red underlined]] pitch lake covers about 114 acres [[/red underlined]]
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the handling and [[red underlined]] loading [[[/red underlined]] to the ship [[red underlined]] goes on quietly and [[/red underlined]] is done with much precision by [[red underlined]] negros well trained [[/red underlined]] for this work. 
[[left margin in red]] Asphalt Lake [[/left margin in red]]
The neighboring land around [[red underlined]] asphalt lake [[/red underlined]] is almost flat [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] with some slight undulations, and partly grass, partly bunches of trees interspersed with some red roofed houses. - Ship stays here till about 4.P.M. [[red underlined]] to reach Port of Spain [[/red underlined]] about 7 P.M and to leave there about 11 P.M 
A slightly ascending road leads to the [[red underlined]] pitch-lake [[/red underlined]] which looks smaller and more trivial than it really is. At present only a few days a week are given to digging. - The whole system of conveying to the steamer pier operates quietly and regularly, and is [[red underlined]] good engineering. [[/red underlined]] - Houses of employees look [[red underlined]] cheerful and clean [[/red underlined] and whole surroundings except the [[red underlined]] Pitch Lake [[/red underlined]] look more like undulating golf-links. Nice [[red underlined]] easterly trade-wind [[/red underlined]] blowing gives relief from hot sun 
While I am writing this 10 AM my thermometer is in my cabin which is on the lee-side marks