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[[left margin]] [[red underlined]] Port of Spain [[\red underlined]] [[\left margin]]
After luncheon took trip overland to [[red underlined]] Port of Spain [[\red underlined]] in a motor car.  Negro driver over excellent altho' narrow asphalt road passing thru several villages.  Road winds thru Cocopalm plantations, cacao, etc. skirting the water edge and large sugar cane fields.  Also [[red underlined]] oil wells [[\red underlined]] the largest being called "Lease-hold" (?)  Hindu men and women in their asiatic dresses from various religions with silver bracelets on ankles as well as on wrists or neck mingle with negroes and mulattos on the road, but have separate villages.  Wooden huts, palm-leaf-huts, clay-huts etc.  [[red underlined]] Arrived at Port [[\red underlined]] of Spain about [[red underlined]] 4 P.M [[\red underlined]] which is closing time for shops.  Went loitering along the wharves to study the many varieties of sail-craft used by the boatmen here, as well as the cargo they carry.  A newly built very modern liner, [[red underlined]] steel steamer for Venezuela passengers, [[\red underlined]] which [[red underlined]] looks more like a large yacht [[\red underlined]] and owned by Standard Oil Co
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is ready to leave.  A steamer from Brazil to New York of the "Prince - Line" (Canadian) has just arrived and its passengers step off ashore for a few hours while she is loading and unloading.
Went for supper to [[red underlined]] Sands Hotel [[\red underlined]] so well situated [[red underlined]] near Botanic Garden. [[\red underlined]]
[[left margin]] Sand flies [[\left margin]]
Feared mosquitoes but instead had [[red underlined]] sand-flies [[\red underlined]] just after sunset.  But some smudging by burning dead leaves drove them away.  Mr and Mrs. Pratt, fellow passengers had been staying there while we went to Demerara.  We drove together to launch that was to take us to the "Nerissa".  The latter was badly over-crowded with passengers and their friends and pitch dark.  To make matters worse, hooked up 3 freight sail boats on each side and after more than an hours delay finally brought us to the gangway of the [[red underlined]] Nerissa. [[\red underlined]]  The latter was