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but this seems impossible after so many delays in getting merchandise aboard. So to bed at 9.30 P.M.
[[underlined]] Sept. 2 Sunday. [[/underlined]]
[[left margin in red, underlined]] Barbados [[/left margin in red, underlined]]
Arrived [[red underlined]] Barbados. [[/red underlined]] - All stores closed. Drove to [[red underlined]] Crane's Hotel [[/red underlined]] situated on other side of the Island on an abrupt canal cliff, and an excellent bathing beach below. Hotel very old Barbadian style, massive stone walls primitive old bath-tubs. Mr & Mrs. Benett of Bronxville and Mrs. Chevrier of Montreal made up the four passengers, total pay for the motor car was $10.00.
[[left margin in red, underlined]] Santa Lucia [[/left margin in red, underlined]] 
[[underlined]] Sept 3 [[/underlined]] Arrived [[red underlined]] Santa Lucia [[/red underlined]] 4 A.M left [[strikethrough]] 8 A.M. [[/strikethrough]] about [[strikethrough]] noon [[/strikethrough]] 
^[[8 AM.]] The negro women were carrying coal aboard an english steamer swiftly following each other in a long row carrying heavy coal baskets on their head and running up and down to dump the coal then to return with the empty basket for a new load.
This seems to be the [[red underlined]] principal source of income of the poorer classes [[/red underlined]] but they seem to like this work which keeps them 2 or 3 hours at work and [[red underlined]] leaves them the remainder of the day for idling. [[/red underlined]]
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It was 85°F at noon in my cabin. [[strikethrough]] Arrived before [[/strikethrough]] Anchored before [[red underlined]] Martinique [[/red underlined]] at noon but left at 1 P.M. so no time to go ashore as we did on our first visit.
[[left margin]] [[black and red underlined]] Montserrat [[/black and red underlined]] [[/left margin]]
Arrived at [[red underlined]] Dominica [[/red underlined]] 4.30 P.M and left at 8 P.M. [[strikethrough]] Seems a pr [[/strikethrough]] Island is [[red underlined]] extremely beautiful [[/red underlined]] but the nigger population seems poverty stricken, and [[red underlined]] men and women are aggressively begging and insolent. [[/red underlined]] Drove to [[red underlined]] Morne Bruce [[/red underlined]] admirable view giving sight to the green craterlike valley below.ͯ 
[[left margin]] ͯ Mont Serrat 6 AM to 12 Noon [[/left margin]] 
Botanical garden small but well kept is merely a small park. Noticed [[red underlined]] the first real Banyan tree. [[/red underlined]] In [[red underlined]] the other [[/red underlined]] islands they call Banyan what is really a [[red underlined]] Ficus Benjamini [[/red underlined]] as I have in my Florida garden and which spreads enormously by branches as well as by adventive roots.
Noticed also that they cultivated [[strikethrough]] South [[/strikethrough]] [red underlined]] Sea Island cotton of long fibre, [[/red underlined]] similar to the trees I have in Florida. But here they replant or seed them every year