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this on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the U. of [[red underline]] Brussels. [[/red underline]] Am invited to the ceremonies which will take place in Brussels, November 19
[[underlined]] Nov. 3 [[/underlined]] Bright & sunny. Celine out painting. Nina recuperating in bed. Peter, Ninette, and Bake here for luncheon and playing about. 
[[underlined]] Nov. 4. Sunday. [[/underlined]] Rain & wind 
[[left margin in red]] University Brussells [[/left margin in red]]
[[red underlined]] Wrote letter to President of University of Bruxelles, thanking and telling my work prevents to [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] go [[/strikethrough]] go to the Ceremonies of 100th Anniversary where to receive my [[red underlined]] Doctor Honoris Causa [[/red underlined]] degree.
[[underlined]] Nov 5. [[/underlined]]
[[left margin in red]] N.Y. Art Museum [[/left margin in red]]
This afternoon walked from University Club to [[red underlined]] Metropolitan Art Museum. [[/red underlined]] A beautiful autumn day. The walk along the park side of Fifth Ave [[strikethrough]] street one [[/strikethrough]] where I always pass in motor car seemed to me very lovely and would have appeared to me wonderful in a foreign city. But such is life [[red underlined]] we do not appreciate what is easily available. [[/red underlined]] Nor in our busy days in New York are we in the same mood for sightseeing as we are in foreign cities. The [[red underlined]] class of people also one meets here on this walk is incomparably superior to all [[/red underlined]] the trash and scum one meets in the busier parts of New York and more specially around the Theatre and entertainment district, which seems to attract all the misfits of every race. 
Spent 1½ hours in the [[red underlined]] Museum [[/red underlined]] For variety of subjects, their methodic display, general housing and maintenance
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[[red underlined]] There is no museum in the U.S. as well as foreign countries which can compare with this. [[/red underlined]] All this by private donation and run without intervention of politicians. [[red underlined]] Mailed my letter of thanks to President of Brussels University [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Nov 6. [[/underlined]] Election day. - Rain and wind which seems propitious for that rascally contemptible [[red underlined]] Tammany [[/red underlined]] crowd. 
All day occupied reading and writing. Evening for [[red underlined]] dinner to Raoul Grenade Councillor to the Belgian Embassy at his house in Scarsdale, [[/red underlined]] with Celine. Also, [[red underlined]] Galpin [[/red underlined]] head of Belgian Relief Foundation organized by Herbert [[red underlined]] Hoover [[/red underlined]] for exchange of Belgian students. [[red underlined]] Tuck [[/red underlined]] ditto but residing in Belgium, also [[red underlined]] Dr. Janssens and his wife. [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] The lo [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Janssens, has recently undergone resection of palate and part of jaw infected by cancer and now speaks in a horrible sounding loud nasal voice. [[/red underlined]] He is one of the foremost surgical operators of New York. [[red underlined]] What a tragedy for a man of his age. [[/red underlined]] 
[[right margin in red]] Dr. Janssen [[/right margin in red]]
George and Cornelia [[/red underlined]] also [[strikethrough]] Nina [[/strikethrough]] also [[red underlined]] Celine, Galpin and Tuck [[/red underlined]] are leaving for the Brussels University centenary. A very pleasant evening. [[strikethrough]] The tragic [[/strikethrough]] While driving home and even after I went to bed [[red underlined]] this [[strikethrough]] info [[/strikethrough]] calamity of Janssen who seems to take it courageously, makes me think how we take luck and good health for granted [[/red underlined]] and how we are prone to [[red underlined]] exagerate our small ills [[/red underlined]], and usual unpleasant
[[left margin]] [[red underlined]] [[underlined]] Florida [[/underlined]] voted constitutional [[/red underlined]] amendment for [[red underlined]] repeal [[/red underlined]] and for tax exemption of homesteads not exceeding $5000 in value. Overwhelming [[red underlined]] landslide [[/red underlined]] in favor of Democratic and "New Deal" candidates. Upton [[red underlined]] Sinclair [[/red underlined]] and his socialist program much [[red underlined]] defeated in California. [[/red underlined]] [[/left margin]]