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happenings with which we are confronted.  Arrive home past 11 P.M.
[[left margin in red, underlined]] Trist [[/left margin in red, underlined]]
[[underlined]] Nov 7. [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] Trist [[/red underlined]] arrived at office from [[red underlined]] Valparaiso [[/red underlined]] on his way to London.  
[[left margin in red]] Pantone [[/left margin in red]]
Conferred with George [[red underlined]] Swan and Shrimpe on Pantone [[/red underlined]] situation. George tells me he seems quite reasonable and willing to [[red underlined]] admit that Pantone thus far has not been a success, [[/red underlined]] notwithstanding all the money and efforts we have spent on it.  
Finally received [[strikethrough]] proof [[/strikethrough]] printers proof from Madrid of my paper on [[red underlined]] phenoplastics [[/red underlined]]
[[left margin in red]] [[red underlined]] George [[/red underlined]] hurt his back bone [[/left margin in red]]
[[underlined]] Nov 8. [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] George who hurt himself [[/red underlined]] about a week ago slipping on his stairs and [[red underlined]] injuring his back [[/red underlined]] says he feels better, altho the physician he consulted and made an Xray announced he had a [[strikethrough]] slight [[/strikethrough]] fracture of his sacrum bone. [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Nov 9. [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin in red, underlined]] Schiefelin [[/left margin in red, underlined]]
This evening went for supper at [[red underlined]] Century Club [[/red underlined]] where met [[red underlined]] William Jay Schieffelin, [[/red underlined]] whom I had not seem some many years. [[red underlined]] Seemed cheerful healthy and good looking as in his former years, [[/red underlined]] only his hair has turned gray. He is only [[red underlined]] 3 years older [[/red underlined]] than I.
Afterwards went to meeting at Chemists Club where [[red underlined]] Chemical Industry [[/red underlined]] Medal was awarded to [[red underlined]] Metzger [[/red underlined]] for his research work in many fields principally as research director of [[red underlined] Air Reduction Company [[/red underlined]] and industrial production of the rare elements of the air, neon, argon etc
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[[left margin in red, underlined]] Metzger [[/left margin in red, underlined]]
A well attended meeting. [[strikethrough]] Exc [[/strikethrough]] Interesting lecture by him and excellent address [[red underlined]] interspersed [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] with wit by [[red underlined]] Whitaker. [[/red underlined]] Met several old friends.  [[strikethrough]] Li [[/strikethrough]] Dr. and Mrs. A.D. Little [/red underlined]] of Boston, [[red underlined]] Bogert, Moore [[/red underlined]] of Bakelite Corporation presided the meeting. Back with 10 P.M. train
[[underlined]] Nov 10. [[/underlined]]. 
[[left margin in red]] Freddie [[/left margin in red]]
Little [[red underlined]] Freddie Baekeland [[/red underlined]] here this morning while waiting to go to the dentist to have a superfluous tooth extracted. Restless, ever moving ever questioning or talking little boy. He is [[red underlined]] 6 years [[/red underlined]] old now and quite [[red underlined]] intelligent but does not yet know how to write or read. [[/red underlined]]
[[strikethrough]] Nov 11 [[/strikethrough]] Afternoon Celine Roll and Ninette here to stay [[strikethrough]] over night [[/strikethrough]] for supper and overnight, and left Sunday morning
[[underlined]] Sunday [[/underlined]] Nov 11. [[red underlined]] Prepared Columbia lecture. [[/red underlined]] Wrote Journal and Index till late. This is [[underlined red and black]] Armistice Anniversary [[/underlined red and black]] 
[[underlined]] Nov 12. [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] Armistice holiday. [[/red underlined]] 
[[left margin in red]] Naval Consulting Board Committee day [[/left margin in red]]
Here all day, went to annual reunion for supper [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] of remaining members of [[red underlined]] U.S. Naval consulting board. Sprague [[/red underlined]] as chairman and oldest serving member died recently. [[red underlined]] Emmet [[/red underlined]] elected chairman. Meeting supper at Century. Present [[black and red underlined]] Whitney, [[black and red underlined]] [[red underlined]] Robins, Emmet, Wise Wood, Capt Scott, Addicks, M. Reese Hutchinson, and Coffin. [[/red underlined]] Letter and telegram from [[red underlined]] Arnold and Miller, [[/red underlined]] the latter now lives in California
The [[red underlined]] latter [[/red underlined]] reported that Naval Research laboratory is continuing its [[red underlined]] work [[/red underlined]], even in somewhat [[red underlined]] reduced scale. [[/red underlined]] He also spent several days in Washington last week in general conference with [[red underlined]] President Roosevelt. [[/red underlined]] Reports that the whole