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[[underline]] July 4 [[/underline]] 
[[vertical note in left margin in red, underline]] 4th July [[/vertical note in left margin, underlined]] 
Stayed home all day. Beautiful warm weather. [[red underline]] The quietest 4th of July [[/red underline]] I ever had in U.S. Very few and faint firecrackers. All alone here, no visitors, so good time for belated work. Classed my photos.  
[[underline]] July 5. [[/underline]] 10 A.M. [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] took the stitches out of my gums. The latter gradually improving. But the teeth still feel shaky and cause some pain if I press them.
[[underline]] July 6. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] leaves Monday [[red underline]] for Europe [[/red underline]] to Dental Congress. [[red underline]] Dr. Gordon, [[/red underline]] his assistent made my dressing. [[strikethrough]] A [[/strikethrough]] At home all day. Nobody to disturb me. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Mr. Bell of Cyanamid [[/vertical note in left margin]]
[[underline]] July 7. Sunday [[/underline]] Wind N.W. and very slight, brought us many mosquitoes. Wrote [[red underline]] Mr. Bell of Cyanamid [[/red underline]] to congratulate him on his address on: [[red underline]] "Share the Wealth" [[/red underline]]  
[[underline]] July 8. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Dr. Gordon, [[/red underline]] renewed dressing on my lower teeth. His chief [[red underline]] Wielage [[/red underline]] is leaving for Europe. Still more [[red underline]] mosquitoes [[/red underline]] than yesterday. They are everywhere. Bite through my vest and cotton trousers. Tried to [[red underline]] swim but was driven back by them into the house before I could dip in the basin [[/red underline]]
[[vertical note in left margin in red and underlined]] Mosquitoes [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
[[underline]] July 9. [[/underline]] Good Southern Breeze but [[red underline]] still many mosquitoes. [[/red underline]] Managed to get in swimming tank but had to keep on diving to dodge their attacks on my bald head 
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After I came out, my forehead was full of red pimples. Washed it with [[strikethrough]] bora [[/strikethrough]] boric acid solution. Then to Miami to get [[red underline]] Gordon [[/red underline]] change dressing of my lower gums. Improvement steady
Bought Pullman car section on [[red underline]] Seaboard Line [[/red underline]] (14.75 $) for leaving Friday morning. Telegraphed to our office, notifying them. Wrote Prof. G. L. van Roosbroeck a letter congratulating him on book he sent me. (Grotesques)
[[underline]] July 10. [[/underline]] At 10 AM to Dr. [[red underline]] Gordon [[/red underline]] dressing my packing. Then to [[red underline]] Misner [[/red underline]] finishing both upper & corner plate [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Dentist bill [[/vertical note in left margin]]
[[red underline]] Bill of Wielage [[/red underline]] paid = [[red underline]] 520.00 [[/red underline]] Not so many mosquitoes. Started packing all afternoon and all evening
Letter to Albert Reychler; also to Rachel. - Time flies! Still many things to attend. Fortunately Easterly breeze is improvement over last days, altho mosquitos still bite. [[vertical note in red in left margin]] Celine [[/vertical note in left margin]] 9.P.M. While listening to excellent Radio music wrote long letter [[red underline]] to Celine, reviewing our life and every reason to feel happy [[/red underline]] Sent it by Air Mail to reach there before my arrival. 9:45 P.M. After writing this I went outside Celine Terrace after flood lights were turned on