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by their moving, their noise or general irritating behavior against which we could not protect ourselves; except by getting out of that [[strikethrough]] pla [[/strikethrough]] palace 
[[strikethrough]] On [[/strikethrough]] 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Cyanamid Co [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
We had built a house much smaller and more modest than that palace in which we lived undisturbed among guests and servants whom we liked and where we were not subject to have to meet objectionable people which might break in their way by accident (inheritance) or purchase (stock control). Therefore we prefend to live in a [[strikethrough]] house [[/strikethrough]] smaller house which we controled and where we had [[red underline]] no other master but our conscience". [[/red underline]] [[vertical note in left margin]] Whitaker [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
Whitaker undoubtedly understood my attitude and felt that I was right. - He laughed and saw the spirit of my talk. But on retiring asked me if he might make me another visit at some convenient time to which I readily agreed. [[red underline]] It is always a pleasure to meet old friend Whitaker who is fully able to understand my point of view. [[/red underline]] 
[[underline]] Oct 4. [[/underline]] War is on in [[red underline]] Ethiopia [[/red underline]] - where and when will it stop. - England and France wrought up, and suspension of each other. Italians have attacked Adowa and several other places. - This evening Celine went for dinner to George, where 
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met Pope and his wife.
[[underline]] Oct 5. [[/underline]] All day busy with [[red underline]] text of wills and trust funds, [[/red underline]] and asking suggestions from [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] Yesterday [[red underline]] James [[/red underline]] started one large and one small barrel of wine from our grapes (light color). Made him put Bakelite trays + a stone to keep the "hat" of skins below the liquid, thus avoiding them to be bare and cause acetic fermentation. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Wine making [[/vertical note in left margin]] Stopped him also introducing sugar solution which was about 80°F. On examination found the contents of the barrel were nearly 90°F. which is a dangerous temperature favoring [[underline]] acetic [[/underline]] sour fermentation. Very probably same high temperatures caused the sour wines which he made last year from bought grapes. [[underline]] Oct 6 [[/underline]] (Sunday) Studying new and old wills also trust funds. Classified my [[strikethrough]] lantern [[/strikethrough]] old lantern slides with Celine
[[underline]] Oct 7 [[/underline]] Called up Dr. [[red underline]] Schmidt [[/red underline]] in regard to his progress with [[red underline]] Bruhat's [[/red underline]] patent 
[[underline]] Oct 8 [[/underline]] Signed the new [[red underline]] Irrevocable trusts [[/red underline]] for George's children also transfer of some of my Bakelite, Preferred stock, to Geo, his 3 children Nina and her 4 children. 45 shares of Bakelite Pfd each
I find that 1926 [[strikethrough]] was in off [[/strikethrough]] or at in regard to irrevocable Trusts when I signed the 1932 trust funds. The act of 1932 kept the same provisions as to irrevocability and death taxes. But there are now 3 cases pending in the U.S. Supreme Court