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[[underline]] October [[strikethrough]] 17 [[/strikethrough]] 14 [[/underline]] Went out early to visit the [[red underline]] Patent office [[/red underline]] now located in the [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] recently built Commerce building which is enormous. A [[red underline]] Mr. Boon [[/red underline]] took me in tow and introduced me to several examiners who all seemed to know me. Then he took me to the office of [[red underline]] Mr. Coe, [[/red underline]], who is the [[red underline]] Commissioner [[/red underline]] of patents. A youngish looking man who hails from Virginia where he was a patent lawyer and who treated me very courteously. We had an interview of about 45 minutes, talking about patent law reform etc. all very pleasant. Then visited [[red underline]] Dr. Bert Grosvenor [[/red underline]] in his palatial offices of the [[red underline]] National Geographic society [[/red underline]] also his associate [[red underline]] Dr. Lagorce [[/red underline]] and his stalwart son. He tells me [[red underline]] Fairchild's [[/red underline]] sciatica is improving and he still is the [[red underline]] guest of Mr. Kay in New Jersey. [[/red underline]] That his ailment started at Baddeck by wading barelegged in the sea. At the Cosmos Club met many of my old friends.  Mr. [[red underline]] Corse [[/red underline]] came to see me and we had long talk about matters of common interest. He serves Bakelite Corporation and other engineering company as a liaison for technical or formation with Navy and Army or other governmental departments. Makes good impression and is an [[red underline]] able engineer [[/red underline]] and chemist. 
[[note in left margin]] 
Name of that grant beetle I got in Trinidad, now kept in the Anchorage is [[red underline]] "Hercules Beetle" [[/red underline]] 
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Afternoon went to walk along the row of [[red underline]] stupendous buildings in Greek architecture [[/red underline]] which 
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line on Constitution Ave. From 4 P.M an incredible amount of motor cars take the army of government employes to their houses. Parked motor cars everywhere [[red underline]] look like a nest of ants [[/red underline]] At Patent office Mr. Boon first took me to Mr. Richard who has artificial resins department, then to Mr. [[red underline]] Spencer [[/red underline]] first assistant commissioner, then to Commissioner [[red underline]] Mr. Coe. - all [[red underline]] very kind to [[/red underline]] me. Just when I left the office in came a man who greeted me. It was [[red underline]] Carleton Ellis! [[/red underline]] - Had a short cheerful chat together. Hubert [[red underline]] Friedenwald [[/red underline]], old friend of Brickenstein and one of the oldest men of the Club greeted me heartily and introduced me to several members. He seems well acquainted everywhere. Has been specially active in [[red underline]] jewish work and seems to like to shine by his fortune [[/red underline]] and works of art. Has bought the house of Dr. Hopkins
[[underline]] Oct. 15 [[/underline]] Went out early to Bureau of Standards by electric car. Was received in the most friendly manner by the present director [[red underline]] Dr Briggs [[/red underline]] who sat on my left at the Electrochemical Dinner. Talked over old gone friends [[red underline]] Wiley, Hillebrandt Stratton and Burgess. [[/red underline]] Then met Dr. [[red underline]] Curtiss,ͯ [[/red underline]] [[note in left margin]] 
ͯ also Dr. Waters who knew me. 
[[/note in left margin]] 
the physicist who many years ago conducted the tests of Bakelite and who seemed glad to meet again. His grown up married son, also a physicist works in next room. At noon was [[red underline]] invited to join luncheon [[/red underline]] of the men of the institution at the same [[strikethrough]] table conceived [[/strikethrough]] oval 

Transcription Notes:
Note: the page number 181 is used on both pages