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whom I had not seen since long. A very busy day
[[underline]] Nov. 16. [[/underline]] 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Catalin [[/vertical note in left margin]]
Busy day at Snug Rock all day studying patent situation of [[red underline]] Catalin [[/red underline]] & prior patents and comparing samples with [[red underline]] Brannon [[/red underline]] report. [[underline]] Nov 17 Sunday. [[/underline]] Still at study of [[red underline]] Catalin [[/red underline]] situation and preparing letter for Schmidt and Brannon on further suggestions  
[[underline]] Nov. 18 [[/underline]] At office as usually
[[underline]] Nov 18. [[/underline]] Mailed to [[strikethrough]] B [[/strikethrough]] Smith & Brannon copies of my English translation of [[red underline]] French [[/red underline]] Pat. [[strikethrough]] Eiltson [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Elertsen [[/red underline]] filed May 31-1914 and published Jan 14- [[red underline]] 1916 in France, [[/red underline]] disclosing process claimed by [[red underline]] Catalin [[/red underline]] and antedating even French patent of [[red underline]] Bruhat, [[/red underline]] which was filed in 1916 Nov 4 [[strikethrough]]-1916 after Bruhat after [[/strikethrough]] many months after Bruhats application. [[strikethrough]] But [[/strikethrough]] Bruhat was published Oct 28-1909. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Reychler [[/vertical note in left margin]] Both patents probably had their inspiration from my earlier patents and from the patent of [[red underline]] Albert Reychler [[/red underline]] which showed how to react upon anhydrous [[red underline]] phenol with paraform. [[/red underline]] Henson sent in a report [[strikethrough]] raf [[/strikethrough]] a recent decision of the courts as to [[red underline]] revocable and irrevocable [[/red underline]] trusts, as applied to the 2 trusts I created in favor George Baekeland Nina B. Roll
[[underline]] Nov 20. [[/underline]] 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Catalin [[/vertical note in left margin]]
Meeting at 3 P.M with [[red underline]] Jerome Alexander and Buchanan, [[/red underline]] to confer about showing microscopic and ultramicroscopic analogy between samples obtained from Catalin and those made by [[strikethrough]] Bannon [[/strikethrough]] Brannon following French patent of Bruhat which antedates the Catalin owned patents and gives same effects of appearance and workability. [[strikethrough]] Told them not [[/strikethrough]] Told [[red underline]] Alexander [[/red underline]] not to lose himself in too many details. Main purpose now was to compare 
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[[strikethrough]] 209 [[/strikethrough]] 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Catalin [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
microscopically or ultramicroscopic 
Catalin product and Bruhat [[red underline]] so as to decide whether prior invention of Bruhat showed the same optical effect and mechanical quality as Catalin, [[/red underline]] so as to establish that the effect was old and the way to obtain it was well known and not patentable  
[[underline]] Nov 21 [[/underline]] 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Catalin [[/vertical note in left margin]]
Judge [[red underline]] Augustus Hand [[/red underline]] who sat on appeal on the Catalin case has given his [[red underline]] decision in favor [[/red underline]] of Catalin. I read it carefully and his decision seems correct and is based on the evidence of the plaintiff which was badly answered by the defendent. [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] and [[red underline]] overlooked the main points [[/red underline]] no [[strikethrough]] attempt has [[/strikethrough]] effective attempt being made to show that Bruhat and Ellertsen had disclosed the technical effect and published the process almost 20 years ago. Some of the arguments justifying the decision of Judge Hand, may come in very usefully if we have to attack the Catalin patents 
[[underline]] Nov 22 [[/underline]] At office all day. Discussed Catalin situation with Rossi. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] came at office for [[red underline]] signing [[/red underline]] & witnessing [[red underline]] before Henson and Holmgren [[/red underline]] the new Trust funds she has created in favor of [[red underline]] her niece [[/red underline]] Gabrielle Swarts and James [[red underline]] Casseli [[/red underline]]. Afterwards took her at Johnson Malis with Mr & Mrs. Grenade whom we drove home, after stopping at Snug Rock for a glass of wine. [[underline]] Nov. 23 [[/underline]] All day studying [[red underline]] Catalin [[/red underline]] & prior art. Cold & windy & light frost. 
[[underline]] Nov. 24 [[/underline]] (Sunday) Snowed last night Temp 24°F.
[[underline]] Nov. 25 [[/underline]] & Nov. 26. Further study of Catalin situation. Went to Sparklets Co
[[underline]] Nov 27. [[/underline]] Had [[red underline]] Sarton and Grenade [[/red underline]] for luncheon at U.C [[underline]] Nov 28 [[/underline]] Raining. [[red underline]] Thanksgiving. George B

Transcription Notes:
Georges Bruhat was a French physicist.