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218/ before March 1936 with additional claims which probably bring us in interference with the recently allowed patents of Catalin. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Princess Katchaloff [[/vertical note in left margin]] Miss Bidwell tells me that a lady, [[red underline]] Princess Katchaloff [[/red underline]]  now at the Waldorf Astoria has a letter of introduction to me from [[red underline]] Jacques LaRoche son of my deceased friend LaRoche. [[/red underline]] Will telephone he shall visit tomorrow 4 P.M. [[strikeout]] Dec 24 [[/strikeout]] [[red underline]] George's suggestion of a 5% bonus [[/red underline]] on all salaried employes of Bakelite was discussed and approved by Rossi & myself. The men drawing wages by the hour will get $20 or 10$ flat. Am glad we can do this as a sign of good will [[red underline]] after these times of depression [[/red underline]] Office closed at 1 P.M. Cold day but bright. Afternoon went went to Waldorf Astoria @ 4 P.M. [[end page]] [[start page]] \219
[[red underline]] Princess de Katchaloff [[/red underline]] is a young girl-writer, who speaks excellent English besides her French & Russian? Seems about 25 and brings me a special copy of a [[red underline]] book LaRoche  [[/red underline]] published shortly before his death. I understand she is here to publish a translated edition of [[red underline]] one of her own books. [[/red underline]] Says her mother was Swedish and makes good impression. Explained this was our very busy days for me and Celine on account of home coming of grand children & myself. But that [[red underline]] Celine would probably call on her [[/red underline]] before end of week. Met her at 4 left at 5. after offering her a cup of tea [[strikeout]] as [[/strikeout]] at the Waldorf.  [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Xmas song of the grandchildren [[/vertical note in left margin]] Coming home found [[red underline]] all the grandchildren, except Freddie, who was hidden upstairs [[/red underline]] and from there greeted me with a [[red underline]] Christmas song. [[/red underline]] - a very [[red underline]] pleasant surprise. [[/red underline]] They had come here this afternoon to arrange the Xmas tree for tomorrow. They [[red underline]] all seem to have grown still further since I saw them before they left for school. [[/red underline]] All look [[red underline]] cheerful [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] healthy [[/red underline]] a real [[red underline]] pleasure to look at them. [[/red underline]] This morning at the office found a long Xmas letter 

Transcription Notes:
Princess Sophia de Katchaloff