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to furnish me more details before I can write to Redman, so that I may make sure that there is no exaggeration in these second hand statements.
Out on ION, with Murray and Rowe (colored) caught (trolling) a large Spanish Mackerell and some groupers and large grunts on ground fishing near Soldier Key.  Left 10.25 A.M. S.W. Breeze.  Left Soldier Key 3.20 P.M, arrived in harbor 4.45 P.M.
Found very interesting letter of Brannon announcing sending samples of clear material for cast Bakelite using Tetrone B as basic catalyst.
I suggest to Redman that Bender or Schmidt should try Tetrone B for Urea-resins.
[[underlined]] April 12 (Sunday) [[\underlined]] here all day.
[[underlined]] April 13. [[\underlined]]  Several samples cast Bakelite made from Tetrone B arrived.  Andrew Murray ill in bed - Stomach trouble.
[[underlined]] April 14. [[\underlined]]  Frieda left by steamer at 2.30 P.M.  Andrew is up again
[[underlined]] April 15. [[\underlined]]  Beautiful day again.  Got letter from George proposing 20000 to 25000$ salaries for Rossi & Sanford Brown, but wrote him to tell me also about other meritorious men and 
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name them & amount of increase.  Suggested that we pay addition now or on June 1 - and another addition in September & December to be guided by march of progress or the unknown vicissitudes which await us in this hectic year of New Deal and elections.  I am much in favor of increased salaries, not only to Brown & Rossi, & George but to all who deserve it.  I proposed to George that he, Rossi & Sanford Brown should get $24000 a year but the additions to their present 15000 to be made in instalments of months elapsed since Jan 1 - on June 1 - Oct. 1. & Dec. 30.  The total becoming $24000. - This would give us opportunity to adapt ourselves to conditions for better or for worse.  But we must not forget many others who deserve increases on their merits.
[[underlined]] April 16. [[\underlined]]  Celine leaves Sunday morning 10.20 for New York.
[[underlined]] April 17. [[\underlined]]  Ever since Halstead Ritter was appointed by Coolidge as a Federal Judge in Florida, all the politicians and lawyers of the democrat State of Florida have resented it.  Since Roosevelt and the Democrats came into power, they have tried for several years to eliminate Judge Ritter and to replace him by one of their political lawyers.  Everyone of their tricks failed until lately that abominable man Green