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Bill Catlow visited me. Took 150$ cash from Coconut Grove Bank. We have had several days of strong N.E winds blowing gale force. Some trees (bamboos) blown over at El Jardin.
Yacht of [[underlined]] Calvert [[/underlined]], broke her moorings and was blown on his shore.
Got a fine set of samples from [[underlined]] Brannon, [[/underlined]], made from [[strikethrough]]Tekone [[/strikethrough]] Tetrone, which we shall call in future C-36. Colorless, transparent and an entirely new process, for which new patents can be obtained. Seems superior to the older processes for cast resins
[[underlined]] May 23. [[/underlined]] Gave Andrew a check of $100 in advance, for his salary. Also a check for $250 for current expenses. Same windy day. 
[[note in left margin]] Diesel Engine [[/note in left margin]]
Andrew who has been scanning for a [[underlined]] Diesel Engine[[/underlined]] to replace the old gasoline engine on the ION, recommends "Atlas" Diesel Engine as having closest similar dimensions to our present engine.
Cost delivered in Miami will be $2000 + 48 = 2048. The 48 being for freight.
[[underlined]] May 24 [[/underlined]] (Sunday) Left for N.Y by Seaboard at 8:35 A.M
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Still very windy attaining as much as 40 miles & over
Few passengers on train. Train entirely air conditioned. Had a comfortable compartment to myself, which I did not leave during the trip except when train stopped at Jacksonville and Washington. Had taken some canned food and a bottle of wine along. So could devote my time to reading undisturbed. Streams North of Miami are literally covered with flowering water lilies etc.
Country reminds of the old "Prairie". Wild woods, plains, small lakes. Sparse homesteads log-cabins. - Negro huts etc.
None of the "tourist" towns as are so numerous on the shores of Florida. Villages remind one of the old Pioneer life of the West. 
[[underlined]] May 25 [[/underlined] Pleasant sunny weather
Dick at the station 6. P.M. then drove directly to Snug Rock. All well except [[underlined]] Ninette [[/underlined]] ill in her school with [[underlined]] typhoid. [[/underlined]]
Garden and house cheerful. Unpacking and letters.
Evening when about ready to go to bed, visit of Nina and her new husband [[underlined]] Phillips Wyman. [[/underlined]] He makes a very good impression. I hope this marriage will make