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[[underlined]] Sunday June 1. [[/underlined]] Last night we had some fog and the accompanying fog-horn groans. - Fog all gone now Sunny & smooth. calm blue sea.
The forward part of the sun [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] deck reminds me of Coconut Grove. Good concert 4 to 5 Then Cinema.
[[underlined in red]] Had [[/underlined in red]] about [[underlined in red]] $73000 balance [[/underlined in red]] at [[underlined in red]] Guaranty Trust [[/underlined in red]] Co last [[strikethrough]] week [[/strikethrough]] week. Took a letter credit for $5000.
[[underlined]] June 7. [[/underlined]] Bright - Excellent sleep Dry air. Light rolling due to light Southerly winds. Since two days have followed [[underlined in red]] George's advice [[/underlined in red]] to take [[underlined in red]] Psyllum-Seed [[/underlined in red]] (Blonde) to regulate my bowels against constipation. He says he has used it to good affect since many years instead of pergatives.
[[underlined]] June 8. [[/underlined]] Bright skies - Light Southerly winds, slight rolling. Very comfortable cabin
I notice that the [[underlined in red]] average run [[/underlined in red]] of passengers [[underlined in red]] seems better [[/underlined in red]] than one meets ordinarily on first class steamers. Some Englishmen of title. among [[note in left margin]] Lord. [[/note in left margin]] then Lord Grimthorpe and his stalwart mother, [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] three Frenchmen, some South
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Americans. Most of passengers are U. S, and quite a number of Germans. [[underlined in red]] Jews conspicuous  by their absence. [[/underlined in red]]
I learn that the SS. [[strikethrough]] Henry [[/strikethrough]] Ballin so called after the Por[[?]]ort upbuilder of German Merchant marine has its name changed [[left margin red]] Jews [[/left margin red]] to S. S. Hansa! All because Ballin [[strikethrough]] was a Jew [[/strikethrough]] now deceased was a Jew.  [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Jews [[/vertical note in left margin]] Forgetting the insurance services Ballin rendered to his country. 
S S. Europa is a well built well built well planned ship. Admirably conceived not only in its general structure but in every detail of cabins and managernese[[guess]]
A well selected crew from captain to Cabin boys. Its fire prevention outfit and [[left margin vertical in red]] Excellent boat [[/left margin vertical in red]] crew, as well as its lifesaving equipment and man, could serve as an example to other lines [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] including our own U.S merchant marine
My cabin is the best planned and most comfortable I ever had. More attention has been given to common sense construction, than mere crazy internal decoration [[strikethrough]] and un [[/strikethrough]] which has been carried to such a crazy extent in 

Transcription Notes:
re second page: searched for parimost, porimost, porimort, etc. and could not find anything that fit