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24/ on at 9.30 P.M. In winter it is exactly the contrary.
[[underlined]] June 18 [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin in red]] Swan's rubber type [[/left margin in red]]
[[strikethrough]] Meetin [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] Annual meeting [[/red underlined]] of Bakelite ltd Borrowed 50£ cash Urged more frequent exchange of visits between our men, best suited 
Went to luncheon with Potter, Kingsbury and Perkins at Victoria station restaurant. Long conversation afterwards with Taylor about work of [[red underlined]] Swan in rubber type. [[/red underlined]]  Showed him [[red underlined]] rubber type & matrix [[/red underlined]] of Bakelite I had brought along
Taylor has been busy on same subject and shows rubber flexible printing plate and Bakelite matrix from which it was made.  Seems very similar but Taylors rubber plate is white-gray while Swan's is dark and seems far flexible.  Believe it urgent [[red underline]] Swan & Taylor should meet [[/red underlined]].
[[red underlined]] Gen meeting [[/red underlined]] was held in reception room.  Small room, filled with stockholders & stockholders employees.  Mr. Davis (British) represented Bakelite Gesellschaft and promised not to mention to them that I was present.  [[red underlined]] Sir James Swinburne [[/red underlined]] - chairman presided in his usual distinguished ways.  Gracefully bears his [[red underlined]] 78 years. [[/red underlined]] Biroliet representing Pinchon & Johnson there.  Says he came to Washington for Power congress.  Everything very friendly and smooth proceedings.  Kingsbury made a short address calling attention that Sir James & myself [[strikethrough]] tackled [[/strikethrough]] tackled same problem, but I came ahead to the practical results in molding
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Sir James starting in lacquer etc. I was invited to speak: Express my delight of being an associate of [[red underlined]] Sir James [[/red underlined]] whom I quoted many years ago during my fight for patent reform as the only expert who had the distinction of being retained by opponents in patent cases, when they truly believed they were right and wanted an important and competent witness to guide the judge.  Then I [[strikethrough]] opened [[/red underlined]] referred to the feeling I had yesterday in visiting the new plant. (See the cablegram I [[strikethrough]] wrote [[/strikethrough]] mailed to Celine