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and others have done.  Unfortunately countries as well as individual men are most of the time led by [[red underlined]] "moods" [[/red underlined]] in their attitude.  Nor have philosophers even of the time of Plato or Christ have avoided of becoming to one-sided in their attitudes to the great problems of the race.  
[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Politicians - Franklin Roosevelt [[\left margin]]
Most of them acted as badly as the bunch of doctrinaire revolutionary advisers which now surround [[red underlined]] Franklin Roosevelt in Washington. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Polit [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] I have long ago come to the conclusion that Political Economy [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] as well as so calle  [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] is not a "Science" [[/red underlined]] but merely a [[red underlined]] Mood. [[/red underlined]] If it were otherwise why should so [[red underlined]] many political economists differ so much in their conclusions. [[/red underline]]  The [[red underline]] same reproach [[/red underline]] holds good [[red underline]] against religious doctrinaires [[/red underlined]] and just as much as to [[red underlined]] "art" [[/red underlined]] as shown now by [[red underlined]] "nouveau art" and its atrocities.  All these thoughts came to me to night at the reception of Mr. MacDonald and his intellectual fine looking daughter [[/red underlined]] at St. James palace.  He as [[strikethrough]] head of [[/strikethrough]] present head of 
[[end page]]
[[start page]] 
[[vertical notation in red in left margin]] Politicians [[/left margin]]
British Industries, research [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] schools & Universities represented the King who is still in morning. - We had been advised that [[red underlined]] on account of the mourning period, white waiscoats with our evening suits were banned [[/red underlined]] and that black waistcoats with [[strikethrough]] our [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] white neckties and  "decorations and orders" should be worn. [[/red underlined]]  MacDonald and his daughter received us at the head of the Stairs of the St. James Palace London Museum.  Both seem more in their element among chemists & engineers than among politicians.  It seems [[red underlined]] a pity to me that such a fine man as McDonald should have had to cast his lot among [[/red underlined]] politicians instead of among scientists or engineers. Am told that he is the right man for occupying his present responsibilities and enjoys his work
[[underlined]] June 29 [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] University of London, [[/red underlined]] very different in its liberal conceptions [[red underlined]] making learning accessible to everybody regardless of religion, or rank, instead of limiting its students to certain classes of Society at Oxford or Cambridge, [[/red underlined]] has begun celebrating its 100 anniversary of foundation

Transcription Notes:
on edit, added some red underlining and strikethroughs Baekeland did a lot of underlining. I don't think it is necessary to start and stop the indication of the underlining every time he lifts his pen from the page to move on and continue underlining. It makes it difficult for future students and researchers to follow the text and adds little to the information transmitted to the reader. My view is that some judgment is called for here.