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40/ I wish [[red underline]] Germany [[/red underline]] and specially [[red underline]] France had some of this spirit [[note in left margin in red]] ? [[/note in left margin in red]] As to Italy everything is so upset there at present that we do not know what is happening with Bakelite. [[/red underline]] [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Japan Bakelite [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] The [[red underline]] Japanese [[/red underline]] Bakelite Co [[red underline]] shows every sign of good will [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] assiduity and seems to be well manned but financial results are of no great importance [[/red underline]] Nevertheless I value more the development and usual application of my pioneer work than dividends.  Especially since [[red underline]] Bakelite Corporation brings us abundant financial returns.[[/red underline]]
In my little speech I told them that [[red underline]] competition has done us much good [[/red underline]] because it keeps the Bakelite men eagerly [[red underline]] awake [[/red underline]] and compels them to do better
[[black underline and triple red underline]] July 4 [[/black underline and triple red underline]] A great day in the U.S. but here an everyday - day, except in some of the hotels where Americans congregate I [[strikethrough]] celebrated the day [[/strikethrough]] I celebrated the day by going to the [[red underline]] Zoo in Regents Park which I had not seen [[/red underline]] since many years.  As it was Saturday - a half holiday,  There was a strong attendance [[end page]]
[[start page]] \41 [[vertical note in red in left margin]] Sunday crowds in London [[/vertical note in red in left margin]]
specially in the afternoon when numerous school-children arrived from everywhere.  It gave me an opportunity to observe them while they observed the animals.  A [[red underline]] happy, lusty lot [[/red underline]] full of eager interest in the animals.  
A [[red underline]]Sunday crowd [[/red underline]] in [[red underline]] London [[/red underline]] has decidedly [[red underline]] better manners than a similar crowd in New York  Nor is there any litter on the [[/red underline]] park grounds, where they are allowed to eat their meals they have brought along, unless they want to get them at one of the restaurants or luncheon selling booths, which vary in size and price to accommodate various financial limitations of visitors.  [[red underline]] All in all a very happy and interested crowd [[/red underline]] Altho'  our [[red underline]] Bronx Zoo [[/red underline]] in New York is one of the best organized in the world it certainly [[red underline]] falls short [[/red underline]] in [[red underline]] size [[/red underline]]and [[red underline]] variety [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] specimens [[/red underline]], as well as methods of display.  London has the advantage, thru the ramifications of the British Empire of being able to import specimens of almost any part of the world and at less expense than New York  I have been on my legs from early morning until about 9 P.M. but do not feel tired

Transcription Notes:
Added all strikethroughs, some underlining, and filled in words