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for [[underlined in red]] Liverpool. [[/underlined in red]] Train was mostly occupied by members of [[underlined in red]] Society of Chemical Industry [[/underlined in red]] going to the Liverpool meeting. Met Sir [[underlined in red]] Robert Mond [[/underlined in red]] and [[strikethrough]] his wife [[/strikethrough]] ^[[underlined in red]] [[Lady Mond]] [[/underlined in red]] in another compartment. He is to receive the Messel Medal. Pleasant chat about old times. Later on Major [[red underlined]] (Fried?)[[/red underlined]] or was it Dr. J. B. [[strikethrough and underlined]] Firth, [[/strikethrough and underlined]]ͯ 
[[left margin vertical]] ͯ Freeth [[/left margin vertical]] 
who I understand is head of research laboratories, of I.C.I. joined us and kept talking till we were in Liverpool. Looked as if he had some drinks.
Arrived [[underlined in red]] Liverpool [[/underlined in red]] about 6 P.M foggy rainey and buildings black as ever. Drove to the large [[underlined in red]] Adelphi Hotel [[/underlined in red]] where are the headquarters of S.C.I. Many already there. Had just about enough time to put formal [[underlined in red]] evening dress  & "decorations & orders" as requested by [[/underlined in red]] the invitation. Then drove to reception of [[underlined in red]] Vice Chancellor of  Liverpool [[/underlined in red]] University Sir Hector J. W. Hetherington. Met many friends there I had not seen for a long time, and was introduced to endless persons I had never met before. [[underlined in red]] Was astonished how my work was known so well [[/underlined in red]] Also was introduced to a lady who is an M.D whose name I have forgotten and who besides English spoke French.
[[underlined in red]] (Mrs. L'Hermitte)?  She tells me [[/underlined in red]]
[[note in left margin in red]] !! [[/note in left margin in red]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[note in left margin in red]] !! [[/note in left margin in red]] 
[[underlined in red]] her father listened to my lectures [[/underlined in red]] in Belgium (Ghent or Bruges) and knows me well
Buffet and light refreshment were served. Afterwards dancing. Met also dear old [[underlined in red]] Prof. [[strikethrough]] & Mr [[/strikethrough]] E. C. C. Baly [[/underlined in red]] head of chemical department of Liverpool University who presented his paper on [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] his synthesis of sugar (together with Sir James Irvine) in 1924 at Cornell when I presided the meetings as President of A. C. S
[[underlined in red]] Baly [[/underlined in red]] looks just as [[underlined in red]] wiry and nervous [[/underlined in red]] as ever. His jet black hair has turned grayish. [[strikethrough]] Had a long talk ab [[/striketrough]] His son is studying theology and makes a good impression. So did his wife who did not utter a word. Went to bed at 1 P.M and fell asleep at 2 P.M and up at 5 A.M. But felt in good shape. [[underlined in red]] Jackson, Hixson [[/underlined in red]] with wife & daughter [[underlined in red]] Morgan [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] all of [[/strikethrough]] + wife & daughter all [[strikethrough]] their [[/strikethrough]] there. 
[[left margin vertical in red]] Liverpool [[/left margin vertical in red]]  
- nearly our whole department of Chemical Engineering of Columbia U. and cheerful as ever. Dear Friend [[underlined in red]] Calder [[/underlined in red]] the retiring present of S.C.I and his wife cheerful as ever. Knows everybody, introduces me to every one. I [[underlined in red]] am astonished to see how so many want to be introduced to me. [[/underlined in red]] Never imagined my work so well known here. Prof [[underlined in red]] Withrow [[/underlined in red]] of Ohio and his wife also there also Prof & Mrs. [[underlined in red]] Bartow [[/underlined in red]] of Iowa University
[[underlined]] July 7. [[/underlined]] Up and ready early, then proceeded to Physics lecture room of University where 

Transcription Notes:
Francis Arthur Freeth, head of ICI