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[[left margin in red]] Liverpool [[/left margin in red]]
annual meeting was held Dean [[red underlined]] Calder [[/red underlined]] presiding with a thick golden chain around his neck and a blazing ditto decoration below. The insignia of his position as President. The [[red underlined]] Lord Mayor of Liverpool [[/red underlined]] also opened with a speech of welcome cheerful [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] tactful and well delivered. Also wore the gold chain of his office. The best speech was that of Calder which drew enormous applause. It will be published in next number of the Journal of S.C. I. The comments on Calders speech by Dr. [[red underlined]] Levinstein [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] were just as [[/strikethrough]] paying tribute to [[red underlined]] Calder, [[/red underlined]] were just as well said and interesting. All in all a very enjoyable meeting. Followed by a luncheon in the big dining room of the Adelphi, filled to the limit. A very pleasant affair, well organised. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Liverpool [[/vertical note in left margin in red]]
Instead of joining the others in an afternoon visit to a passenger steamer,  I took a [[strikethrough]] rest [[/strikethrough]] rest to [[red underlined]] prepare for the private dinner of the Lord Mayor [[/red underlined]] to which I have been invited, followed by the [[red underlined]] Mayor's reception [[/red underlined]] etc. for the others. Again [[red underlined]] "full dress + medals & orders." [[/red underlined]] I arrived a few minutes too early So had every opportunity to
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admire the [[red underlined]] exquisitely arranged interiors of the rooms [[/red underlined]] with a collection of full length portraits of past [[red underlined]] Kings, Princes [[/red underlined]] etc. Old expensive furniture etc. 
[[vertical note in left margin]] [[red underlined]] Lord Mayor R. J. Hall [[/red underlined]] [[/vertical note in left margin]]
His Lordship the [[red underlined]] Mayor [[/red underlined]] soon arrived and [[red underlined]] treated me as if we had known each other since long. [[/red underlined]] He seemed well acquainted with my work probably by being present at the former meetings. His wife died 3 years ago and his charming daughter helps him in his receptions as the "Lady Mayoress". Had a pleasant conversation until the other guests and ladies came (7 P.M.) after we joined after introductions, in one of the principal rooms. [[red underlined]] We were about 12 or 14. [[/red underlined]] At my left I had Mrs [[strikethrough]] Armstrong [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Thompson]], wife of Prof. Amstrong. (Ian.) at my right [[stirkethrough]] Mrs. Lampithͯ [[/strikethrough]], wife of one of the ranking heads of the convention at my [[strikethrough]] right. [[/strikethrough]] 
[[vertical note in left margin]] Mrs. Thompson ͯ [[/vertical note in left margin]]
The Chancellor & vice Chancellor of the University ^[[etc]] Mr & Mrs [[red underlined]] Calder.ͯͯ [[/red underlined]] 
[[vertical note in left margin]] ͯSir Robert Mond & Lady Mond [[/vertical note in left margin]]
Excellent dinner and excellent wines with the usual: Toast to the King". A very animated and interesting conversation, between [[red underlined]] all those distinguished guests. [[/red underlined]]
Then at 8.30 P.M. formal reception in the main Hall, where I [[red underlined]] had to stand in the receiving [[/red underlined]] line while many of my friends passed before us. All this conducted with great dignity and at the same time [[strikethrough]] cheer [[/strikethrough]] cheerful way.
Generous buffet for the visitors and a stately ball. I withdrew