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[[strikethrough]] Ron [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Ramsay [[/red underline]] etc. etc. Before I knew it I was the center of the evening and so to bed, again at 11 P.M. 
[[underline]] July 25 [/underline]] 
[[left margin in red]] Returned home [[/left margin in red]], 
Up at 5:30 A.M. Again a another beautiful day. [[strikethrough]] At [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Dr. Neil Gordon [[/red underline]] was up early to see me off [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Left at 7:10 AM [[/red underline]] by omnibus to Baltimore, then to Pennsylvania Station and New York. Arriving there at station Dick was not there; because I had overlooked difference between "Standard-time" and "Daylight Saving time". So drove up to University Club, where spent the afternoon, until Dick took me up to Yonkers.
[[left margin in red]] Back in Yonkers [[/left margin in red]]
[[red underline]] Harmony Park [[/red underline]] looked [[strikethrough]] char[[/strikethrough]] and Hudson again looked as [[red underline]] charming as ever [[/red underlined]] Found several very pleasant [[red underline]] letters, [[/red underline]] one of [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]], one of [[red underline]] Dickie very witty [[/red underline]] and illustrated by her in colored pencils. Also one of [[red underline]] Ninette and Rachel [[/red underline]] One copy of the [[strikethrough]] Cam [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Utowana [[/red underline]] Camp, weekly of which [[red underline]] Celine Roll is the editor [[/red underline]]. A letter of [[red underline]] several pages from Fairchild [[/red underline]] who is now at [[red underline]] Badeck [[/red underline]] Nova [[strikethrough]] Sci [[/strikethrough]] Scotia. [[red underline]] All this and these quiet beautiful surroundings make me feel as if I were in Heaven. [[/red underline]] Also along with the letter of [[red underline]] Dickie [[/red underline]] which was
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[[left margin in red]] George's cruise [[/left margin in red]]
written on board of [[red underline]] the Schooner with which George [[/red underline]] and his family [[red underline]] are making a cruise; [[/red underline]] George wrote me a letter from his boat, giving me news.
[[underline]] July 26 [[/underline]] (Sunday) A very restful beautiful day. - [[strikethrough]] Unp [[/strikethrough]] Let the cook go after [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] lunch
[[strikethrough]] E [[/strikethrough]] Excellent time to write these notes while listening to [[red underline]] beautiful concerts [[/red underline]] on my radio. Marvelous Music. Also day of unveiling [[red underline]] Canadian Monument [[/red underline]] in France where so many Canadians left their life. - [[red underline]] Radio broadcast [[/red underline]] this morning [[red underline]] from the battle field [[/red underline]] and this afternoon Concert from Canada, with music commensurative of the occasion and very impressive. Canadian airs, commands, salvos etc.
[[underline]] July 27 [[/underline]] 
[[left margin in red]] Brannon & Tetrene [[/left margin in red]]
At office. - Called up [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Brannon [[/red underline]] in Bound brook. Continues his experiments [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] with [[red underline]] Tetrone C36, [[/red underline]] cast material, and is making regular quantities in production to study their behavior and delivering them for practical use to some of our customers. At office met Mr. [[red underline]] Victor Lougheed who came to consult Blount about use of laminated, textile propellers. [[/red underline]] Tells me metallic for aviation ^[[for aviation]] are losing because they are dangerous and liable to fly apart at any time, thus causing serious accidents. I told him that Bakelite Ltd