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been invited to speak at Harvard Tercentenary.  Had a pleasant and interesting talk of about one hour together.
Afterwards Dick drove me to Yonkers, and drove thru the recently opened [[strikethrough]] Tryon [[/strikethrough]] Fort Tryon park, which has been so generously donated by John. D. Rockefeller Jr. to the City of New York. A strikingly beautiful addition to [[strikethrough]] our [[/strikethrough]] the N.Y park system
[[underlined]] Sept 4. [[/underlined]] 
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George came into my office today telling me he [[red underlined]] contemplated divorce [[red underlined]] from [[strikethrough]] Cor [[/strikethrough]] his wife that, two years ago she had asked advise from Hays for a divorce she intended to [[strikethrough]] pa [[strikethrough]] obtain. That their tendencies and views were incompatible etc. - This is very sad news for me. - Talked in a friendly way to him, responsibility towards his children and effects on them etc. Told him [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] almost all married people after a certain period passed thru a feeling of disappointment and got tired of each other, but that this was no reason, specially if they have children for giving in to their moods etc. He tells me that his wife and he are so totally different in their aims and conduct. I tried to persuade him not to do anything in a hurry etc. to which he consented. I asked him whether the trouble
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had arisen since he decided to undertake his business trip to England alone. He says no. The trouble with many people is that they have matters to easy, and did not have to pass thru the struggles Celine and I had to pass. - I feel profoundly sorry. Still hope matters may be adjusted. Wrote to Celine who is in camp with Cornelia and the grand children. Celine comes back here on Sat 12. - Same day as George sails for England
[[underlined]] Saturday Sept 5. [[/underlined]] Spent morning packing trunk for my visit tomorrow to Washington. Dick put up 2 electric flood lights to illuminate our garden at night in case fruit thieves or trespassers come around. [[red underlined]] New fence along Harriman [[/red underlined]] boundary and improved [[red underlined]] fencing along acqueduct have also been put up. [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Sunday [[/underlined]] Sept 6. - Took 1:30 P.M train for Washington, for [[red underlined]] World Power [[/red underlined]] Congress. Noticed many foreign delegates and their wives in Pullman car. Went to Cosmos Club to stay for week. Many old friends there.
Wrote two letters to Celine about Georges decision of granting a divorce to Cornelia, urging her to influence George to go slowly, still hoping that Celine's influence may bring about conciliation.
[[underlined]] Sept 7 [[/underlined]] Hot sultry weather. Noisy neighborhood. Met Dr. [[red underlined]] Durrant and Gano Dunn [[/red underlined]] at Cosmos, both are important men in meeting. Am