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the family. Pleasant chat and gave him some bottles of my wine.
[[underlined]] Sept 16. [[/underlined]] At office then at 6 P.M. went to Chemists Club dinner in honor of former presidents of which I am the older and of which Dr. [[red underlined]] Zinsser [[/red underlined]] had just been elected. Met several old friends. [[red underlined]] Ittner [[/red underlined]] returning president. - [[red underlined]] Whitaker [[/red underlined]] absent so was Wagner. Very pleasant reunion. - reminiscences etc.
[[underlined] Sept 17. [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin in red]] Wyman [[/left margin in red]]
Nina and Mr. [[red underlined] Wyman [[/red underlined]] here this evening. Nina came sooner to consult [[striketrhough]] Nina [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Celine]] and myself about schooling of her children. The two daughters [[strikethrough]] will go to an [[/strikethrough]] will return to boarding school but she wants the two boys with her in Scarborough, so that they can go to school there and have a home with her.
Celine and myself agree with her that young Peter should better stay with her at Scarborough; but believe it better for Baekeland Roll to return to Harvey Boarding School, where he being older will accustom himself better to discipline and better study than among all the Wyman family children. - Furthermore [[red underlined]] George Roll [[/red underlined]], will try to get at least one boy under his care, and may compel by court to do so. - Thus saving considerable trouble and resentment.
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[[red underlined]] George Roll, [[/red underlined]] who has asked his mother to live with him in a cottage, may become thus a great nuisance, interfering with the best development of his children and with his usual stubbornness cause a lot of trouble. - All this conversation occurred before arrival of [[red underlined]] Wyman [[/red underlined]].
[[underlined]] Sept 18. [[/underlined]] A [[red underlined]] violent hurricane [[/red underlined]] has been advancing Northward for several days and has struck for the shore of South and North [[strikethrough]] caol [[strikethrough]] Carolina Virginia etc; doing considerable damage and killing many. Paper & radio full of warning for New York.
All day strong rain and cold
With Dick did some wine bottling of 1935.
[[underlined]] Sept 19. [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] Much damage [[/red underlined]] and lives lost in coast of Virginia, Delaware and New Jersey, but hurricane went seaward after approaching New York. All we had was a moderate gale. Many leaves on the lawn, and cold weather.
[[underlined]] ^[[Sunday]] Sept 20. [[/underlined]] Our neighbour [[strikethrough]] Mr [[/strikethrough]] of Florida Mr. Brett died yesterday in Connecticut.
Celine ^[[R.]] and Ninette Roll here for luncheon. Both have remarkably developed since I last saw them, are about as tall as I am and healthy and strong and very handsome. Gave them each a little present from my trip. They are both returning to their [[red underlined]] school in Troy [[/red underlined]]. Both look happy and cheerful.
[[red underlined]] Baekeland Roll [[/red underlined]] is returning to Harvey ^[[boarding]] School, [[red underlined]] Peter [[red underlined]] is going