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[[underlined in red]] of men representing the Tung Oil producers. Holmgren and Horn feel the same way [[/underlined in red]] George, Celine and [[underlined in red]] Stauss [[/underlined in red]] for dinner then a [[underlined in red]] play in New York George being host. [[/underlined in red]] - I am excused
[[underlined]] Oct 29. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Leysteb, [[/underlined in red]] employed in our patent department came to speak about his salary being insufficient. [[underlined in red]] All this in a meek [[/underlined in red]] way. Told him would make inquiries, and afterwards let him now. [[underlined in red]] Rossi [[/underlined in red]] and George think him [[underlined in red]] mediocre, [[/underlined in red]] Miller also. But the latter is not the man to inspire the men around him. Furthermore keeps him exclusively at searches, with no chance to do anything else. I fear N. is [[strikethrough]] a no [[/strikethrough]] the hired of a man who fears other men around him might grow up to diminish his own importance. Will inquire from Weith, Schmidt etc.
[[underlined]] Oct 30 [[/underlined]] At office all day. [[underlined in red]] Stauss [[/underlined in red]] came to see me [[underlined in red]] prior to his departure [[/underlined in red]] We discussed Bakelite matters in general and particularly here. Says Dr. [[strikethrough]] St [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined in red]] Rorsh is all right on technical matters, [[/underlined in red]] but does not handle the customers right. - [[underlined in red]] Offends them [[/underlined in red]] by his particular way of talking to them in case they complain or emit a contrary opinion.
Jasper Crane came here at noon to urge additional contributions for election fund.
[[strikethrough]] Spent [[/strikethrough]] Late afternoon, just about closing time, [[underlined in red]] had visit of Prof. [[/underlined in red]]
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[[left margin vertical in red]] Professor d'Arcy Thompson of St Andrews University [[/left margin vertical in red]]
[[underlined in red]] d'Arcy. W Thompson, [[/underlined in red]] of St. Andrews University; President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and famous zoologist. An unusual personality Altho he is 77 years old, he looks the picture of health and energy. a striking appearance with his white beard, clear blue eyes, reddish [[strikethrough]] Sheechs [[/strikethrough]] cheeks, and clear powerful voice. He knew. Felix Plateau Vander Memsbrugge, [[strikethrough]] Sir Wi [[/strikethrough]] Pirenine [[strikethrough]] and several othe [[/strikethrough]] Van Barnbetre [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Leon Frederieg, Paul Frederieg and many other of my former Belgian Professors and friends. Also Ramsay Williamson, Crum[[guess]] Brown, Sir Frances Irvine etc. etc. - His very personality [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] is an inspiration. and was one of the most pleasant incidents in my life. He is leaving for lecturing at Princeton, then Washington, Harvard etc. but will be back in New York. Told him I was leaving for Florida to vote but would be back the week following
[[underlined in red and black]] Oct 31. [[/underlined in red and black]] Finished my packing for our [[underlined in red]] trip to Florida to vote. [[/underlined in red]] Fine bright day. Radio full of political speeches of both parties. So are the newspapers.
Laboratory stove is cracked, so ordered a new one thru office.
[[underlined]] Nov 1. [[/underlined]] Sunday. Dick took us to Pennsylvania station to catch the 9:30 A.M. Seaboard Air line train for Florida. [[underlined in red]] We had a drawing room to ourselves. [[/underlined in red]] On the train we met Mrs. Bancroft who is visiting her