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had invited [[underlined in red]]  Pupin [[/underlined in red]] and myself to a dinner where they made us generous offers to act as their advisers on the subject of a [[underlined in red]] research department [[/underlined in red]] which they wanted to organise for the their young and undeveloped [[underlined in red]] Air Reduction Co, which was [[/underlined in red]] then at its beginnings. [[strikethrough]] I declined [[/strikethrough]] Pupin to take care of the physics and clerical division, I of the chemical part. _ I declined with sincere thanks; but said that my responsibilities and work with Bakelite Corporation loaded me with more work than was good for me. But [[underlined in red]] I advised them to engage Dr. Metzger [[/underlined in red]] who at that time was Prof. Chandlers assistant. - [[underlined in red]] Metzger [[/underlined in red]] has done exceedingly well and occupies now a very important position. I took occasion to express my admiration on the excellent qualifications and work of Metzger who is one of my oldest chemical friends. - I also complimented him on the fact that they had just engaged Dr. Fisher, formerly of the Chemical staff of Columbia and who has distinguished himself so much in Akron, Ohio, in Rubber Chemistry. A few days ago at our meeting of Sigma Xi at the [[underlined in red]] Boyce - Thompson [[/underlined in red]] research laboratories I met Fisher, and then he made me acquainted with the fact that he had accepted an
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engagement with Air - Reduction [[strikethrough]] The s [[/strikethrough]] I told [[underlined in red]] Mr. Adams [[/underlined in red]] in presence of George and Adams, collaborator whose name is: that several such propositions come to me for a merger, had been declined and that for the moment I saw no advantage nor good reason for joining any other Company. But in as far as George B is leaving to night for Chicago and will not be back before - five days we intend to examine the subject after his return and after we had occasion to discuss the subject between us two.
At 7 P.M. we had the [[underlined in red]] annual dinner [[/underlined in red]] of the [[underlined in red]] U. S. Naval Consulting board at the Century Club. [[/underlined in red]] Robins our secretary, had like usually made the necessary arrangements. Besides himself and myself, were present Dr. Huchinson, former assistant of Edison (Miller Reese H.) Captain Scott, Wise-Wood, Howard Coffin, [[strikethrough]] Emmet, and [[/strikethrough]] W. L. Emmet d ?
Talk about election results, future problems. Navy problems etc Back in Yonkers at 11. P.M.
[[underlined]] Nov 12 [[/underlined]]
[[left margin vertical in red]] Bergins Farber [[/left margin vertical in red]]
At office. Dr. [[underlined in red]] Edward Farber [[/underlined in red]] of [[underlined in red]] Heidelberg [[/underlined in red]] and collaborator of Dr. [[underlined in red]] Bergins [[/underlined in red]] (Nobel Prize) came to visit me with letter introduction from Sarton. His most recent work has been the [[underlined in red]] transformation of cellulose [[/underlined in red]] in [[underlined in red]] fermentible sugar. [[/underlined in red]] Took him to U. Club where I gave him visitor privileges. He speaks