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166/ Wrote a long letter to [[red underline]] Grenade [[/red underline]] on the subject of a fund in honor of [[red underline]] Prof. Frederic Swarts [[/red underline]] [[underline]] Feb 3. [[/underline]] Last night the weather which hitherto has been very  mild, turned cold as low as 64 [[degree symbol]] F - no bleeding this morning. [[strikethrough]] w [[/strikethrough]] Visit of [[red underline]] Phillips Wyman [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] Feb 4 [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Nina and Judge Ritter [[/red underline]] to see my garden etc. 
[[underline]] Feb 4. [[/underline]] Drove to Miami with Andrew to buy some supplies for the boat. Stopped for an hour inspecting all the yachts now tied on the old Royal Palm Hotel docks. [[underline]] Feb 5. [[/underline]] Went out with [[red underline]] Ion [[/red underline]] to try the new sail rig, [[/red underline]] with jibheaded sail on main mast. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] ION [[/vertical note in left margin]] F [[red underline]] forestay sail [[/red underline]] & [[red underline]] mizain sail [[/red underline]] Good land breeze. [[red underline]] Outfit works well [[/red underline]] and easy to handle [[red underline]] except that she is very difficult to come about. [[/red underline]] But handles well with wind on quarter or abeam. By dowsing all but mizain keeps well her nose in the wind. For "coming about" the engine seems necessary. Next to try will be the square sail. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Roosevelt [[/vertical note in left margin]] Eugene washed perfectly.
Cold night. Temp. this morning was [[strikethrough]] 67 [[/strikethrough]] 62 [[degree symbol]] F
President [[red underline]] Roosevelt [[/red underline]] made a [[red underline]] commotion this morning in Washington by his address to congress [[/red underline]] [[end page]] [[start page]] \167
[[red underline]] wanting to increase the Supreme court to 15 [[/red underline]] instead of 9; [[red underline]] thus to master the supreme court [[/red underline]] by [[red underline]] selecting his own "yes-men" [[/red underline]] etc. [[note in left margin in red ]] !! [[/note in left margin in red]] His speech made great sensation. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Increase Supreme Court [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] Does he want to become [[red underline]] dictator [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] jump over constitutional government. [[/red underline]] Comment and opinion varies considerably even regardless of party lines. Many strong democratic papers, are outspoken in their criticism. This morning I had [[red underline]] no bleeding [[/red underline]] [[underline]] Feb. 6. [[/underline]] Wrote letter to Ninette & Celine B. Roll. Warmer weather beautiful blue skies. No bleeding 
Feb. 7 ( [[underline]] Sunday. [[/underline]] ) Beautiful clear weather & mild temperature no bleeding.
[[underline]] Feb 8 [[/underline]]. Mr. Weaver the artist visited. Went to [[red underline]] Custom House [[/red underline]] to [[red underline]] renew [[/red underline]] my captain's [[red underline]] license [[/red underline]] for [[red underline]] ION [[/red underline]] Evening went to Fairchilds.
[[underline]] Feb 9. [[/underline]] Visit of [[red underline]] Phillip Wyman and Nina. [[/red underline]] They will stay over till tomorrow morning to be at Celine's arrival. [[red underline]] Cecil Roberts [[/red underline]] wrote me a nice letter and announces that his book "Gone Sunward" in England is at its [[red underline]] 6th edition! [[/red underline]] [[note in left margin in red]] !! [[/note in left margin in red]] [[underline]] Feb 10 [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] arrived this morning with Nina and Wyman at the station. - [[note in left margin in red]] !! [[/note in left margin in red]] She [[red underline]] has entirely recovered [[/red underline]] and in [[red underline]] excellent [[/red underline]] health. Beautiful weather