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178/ [[red underline]] Visit of Elon Hooker, [[/red underline]] while eline was at Swetland's garden party, with [[red underline]] Mrs. Hooker. [[/red underline]] etc. devoted to collecting books for merchant marine Long talk with [[red underline]] Hooker [[/red underline]] about bygone days & reminiscences [[/red underline]] and friends since dead. Also about [[red underline]] present political conditions [[/red underline]] [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Elon Hooker [[/vertical note in left margin]] Tells me [[red underline]] one of his daughter married [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] am [[/strikethrough]] a [[red underline]] violent Irish revolutionist [[/red underline]] who still [[red underline]] carries 6 bullets [[/red underline]] in his body. The [[red underline]] other [[/red underline]] is [[red underline]] to marry [[/red underline]] writer [[red underline]] Marquand, [[/red underline]] a well known writer (American). All this while the daughters were travelling independently around the world. Tells me I should buy 2 books written by his new son-in law. [[underline]] March 4 [[/underline]], & 5. Nothing unusual [[underline]] March 5 [[/underline]] . Ditto. March 6. Letter to office etc [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Our most beautiful dreams have come true [[/vertical note in left margin]] [[underline]] March 7 [[/underline]] Sunday. Very beautiful day: More work on [[red underline]] income taxes [[/red underline]] Yesterday I received a [[red underline]] photograph [[/red underline]] made on Velox of the [[red underline]] mural painting in the Yonkers Carnegie Library. [[/red underline]] It puts me [[red underline]] in company [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] such distinguished men as [[/red underline]] Edison, [[red underline]] Pupin, Alexis Carrel, Alexander Graham Bell [[/red underline]] etc. [[red underline]] All day restful. [[/red underline]] No visitors. Celine and I realise [[red underline]] that our [[/red underline]] [[end page]] [[start page]] \179
[[in left margin in red]] !!! [[/in left margin in red]] [[red underline]] most beautiful dreams have come true. [[/red underline]] - We [[red underline]] remember now the past, thankfully think of the present [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] dream for the future of our children & grand children. [[/red underline]] [[underline]] March 8 [[/underline]]. [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Mrs. Fairchild [[/red underline]] this sunny morning went on an excursion. By noon until late evening there was an incessant rain & thunderstorm. with many places of the lower part of "[[red underline]] The Anchorage changed in miniature lakes. [[/red underline]] Spent most of day on my [[red underline]] Internal Revenue Taxes. [[/red underline]] - [[red underline]] Rossi [[/red underline]] in view of the spreading strike in industries everywhere [[red underline]] wrote me a letter [[/red underline]] to change the [[red underline]] periods of distribution of profits-sharing [[/red underline]] employes [[red underline]] over 4 periods, [[/red underline]] instead of paying everything at end of the year. [[vertical note in left margin in red]] Profit sharing [[/vertical note in left margin]] Our recent payment of large sums to all employes at Jan 1. has had for result that [[red underline]] many of them have rapidly spent their shares [[/red underline]] Others among the lower paid of them, specially those paid [[red underline]] by the hour seem dissatisfied [[/red underline]] and think [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] their [[red underline]] part was not large enough. [[/red underline]] For this purpose Rossi wants to increase the latter and make 4 distributions yearly and wants my consent I answered him immediately