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188/ [[large in red encompassing 3 lines of text]] { Wind & current with us [[red underlined]]3 3/4[[/red underlined]] knots
"  "  " [[Wind and current]] against us 2 1/2 knots
Average [[red underlined]] 3 1/8 [[/red underlined]] knots which seems quite satisfactory.

[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Outboard Motor on ION [[vertical note in left margin in red]]

Afterwards ran into the Matheson Estate Hurricane Harbor where found [[red underlined]] Mr. Daugherty, [[/red underlined]] his wife and Mr. Schneider of Douglas Rd on his boat. After inspecting each others boats went to fetch Celine and Mrs. Fairchild to take them home. 
[[red underlined]] Celine arrived with 3 oil paintings she had made. Both were enchanted with their stay [[/red underlined]] in this wonderful spot. [[red underlined]] Celine looked as cheerful and happy as ever [[/red underline]] . - [[red underline]] Very pleasant day to all.[[/red underlined]]

[[underlined]] Sunday 21 [[/underlined]]. At home all day. Celine started making a list of our [[red underlined]] intangibles [[/red underline]] which have to be [[red underline]] taxed [[/red underline]] by [[red underline]] State [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] Florida [[/red underlined]] We found that the value of them on Jan 1, 1937, [[red underline]] exceeded 4 million for both of us together [[/red underline]] not counting in children & grandchildren. [[underline]] March 22. [[/underline]] Andrew showed me that the [[red underline]] Ion leaks [[/red underline]] in the deadwood where the shaft comes through and will have to go to the dry dock for repair. Wrote many belated letters. Received copy of Publication by Bakelite Gesellschaft entitled [[red underline]] Bakelite - Nachricht [[/red underline]] [[end page]] [[start page]] 189
[[red underline]] uber den Stoff der 1000 moglichkerten." [[/red underline]] in which [[red underline]] Dr. Weger [[/red underline]] wrote a long article [[red underline]] about myself [[/red underline]] my work and the [[red underline]] history [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] Bakelite [[/red underline]] as well as my own and illustrate with an excellent [[red underline]] portrait. [[/red underline]] The [[red underline]] recent [[/red underline]] visits of Stauss and Soers and Lowe to Germany seem to have stirred them up to action. - In the pamphlet there is also a photo reproduction of the striking Bakelite Tower at the Leipzig Fair
[[underline]] March 33 [[/underline]] Rain-Rain-Rain. The [[red underline]] ION sent [[/red underline]] to [[red underline]] boatyard [[/red underline]] (Donovan) to [[red underline]] correct the leak [[/red underline]] on the [[red underline]] propeller [[/red underline]] shaft block Celine out with Mrs. Fairchild had to give up their usual visit to the shore of the sea. so went to a movie
[[underline]] March 24. [[/underline]] Wrote Weger & Staun about their excellent Leipzig Fair booklet
[[underline]] March 25. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Howard [[/red underline]] putting his yacht out of commission. quite a bother. while Andrew is supervising slow work in the boat yard. [[vertical note in left margin]] Geologist [[written in red]] Lechat [[/written in red]] [[/vertical note in left margin]] A letter from [[red underline]] Mrs. Jane Voortman Lechat, [[/red underline]] announcing her son is to visit me at our office. Sent telegram of congratulations to [[red underline]] Prof. Berkey, [[/red underline]] on occasion of to nights surprise dinner in

Transcription Notes:
Editor note: The name of the yacht is "ION". The name of the yacht has been referred to in many volumes of the journal. Reference to the Ion can be found on many websites as well.