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gave him visitors privileges.  Afterwards showed him our offices.
[[underlined]] Nov. 9. [[/underlined]] 163,122 - 10,960 stocks = 152,163
Went to Dr. Montague for examination, 2 P.M. = O.K.
Afternoon - Head of the newspaper N.Y Sun and his son came to induce our company to publish in their paper. - Referred him to Allan Brown and told him our publicity is not directed to the ultimate buyer or consumer but to various manufacturers, to whom we sell our raw materials and whose education in their use we undertake thru our engineers.
[[underlined]] Nov. 10. [[/underlined]]  At office.
[[left margin red underlined]] Armistice day [[/left margin red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Nov 11. [[/underlined]]  [[red underlined]] Armistice day. [[/red underlined]]  Stayed home reminds me how happy we were on this [[red underlined]] date in 1918, [[/red underlined]] to hear the news of the end of the war and that [[red underlined]] George was still alive.  And now after fighting to end war the world is worse than before and savage wars are going on in Spain and in China, and nations distrust each other more than before. [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Nov 12. [[/underlined]]  Today [[red underlined]] Kingsley [[/red underlined]] leaves.  Also [[red underlined]] Dr. Von Vietinghoff [[/red underlined]] per SS. Bremen.  Have sent telegram to the latter.  Went to office in morning.  Gave [[red underlined]] Kingsley [[/red underlined]] copies of different published addresses or articles I wrote.  Afternoon went to [[red underlined]] SS. Britannic [[/red underlined]] leaving for England via Boston
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Mr. Kingsley and his daughter on deck, - was joined by arrival of Rossi, George B. and Grace B. also Sanford Brown.
[[underlined]] November 13. [[/underlined]]  Celine went to [[red underlined]] Bryn Mawr [[/red underlined]] Pa. to spend the day with [[red underlined]] Dickey Baekeland. [[/red underlined]]  Torrential rain all day and bad weather at sea, which strikes the Kingsleys on their first day.
[[underlined]] Nov. 14. [[/underlined]]  [[red underlined]] Celine makes an excellent report about Dickey [[/red underlined]] with whom she spent the day in Philadelphia.
This morning was reminded that [[red underlined]] I am 74, [[/red underlined]] by the arrival of a neatly parchment scroll, signed by all the employes of Bound-Brook.  Started preparing my next lecture for the Chemical Engineering class of Columbia.
Nice sunny, clear & calm weather.  Wrote a letter to Celine and Ninette Roll.
[[underlined]] Nov. 15. [[/underlined]]  At office during morning.  Afternoon to Columbia University.  Arranged that my next lecture will be: [[red underlined]] The Scope and prospects of the Chemical Engineer.  Hixson and Jackson [[/red underlined]] showed me around the laboratories, where new apparatus and machinery is being installed and more room place has made this possible.
At 4.10 P.M. [[red underlined]] Faculty meeting. Dr. N.M. Butler [[/red underlined]] presiding and Dean Barker assisting.  At the end of