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So did others & Ninette and Celine Roll wrote me from their school, how they had heard everything so well.
This afternoon went to the annual Chemical Exposition at Grand Central palace. Larger and more interesting that ever, the three floors being entirely filled by exhibits, showing the astonishing extension and improvements in the American Chemical Industries. Our exhibit, was better than ever and attracted continuous crowds. Alan Brown and his men have again done excellent work. Met many friends and was continually photographed while I walked around or while I was in conversation. All this makes me feel that I have become one of the old men of Chemical Industry.
[[underlined]] Dec. 9 [[/underlined]] (133,000). Today Directors Meeting followed by annual stockholders meeting and followed by second director's meeting. I read my annual report at the stockholders meeting. Hasslacher Jr. & Kirk Brown the only stockholders present outside of the directors. From present indications net earnings for 1937 will be between 180000 to 2000000. - Before deduction of bonus participation of employes and taxes.
The 3 meetings went fluently. The main discussion centered in the second Director's meeting, on the subject of adjusting profit-sharing of employes to put it on an equitable basis
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according to relations between net earnings and dividends. - Subject is rather complicated and will be taken up further.
[[underlined]] Dec. 10. [[/underlined]] Stayed at home. But in the evening went as guest to the dinner offered by Chem & Metallurgical publication which this year has awarded their bronze plaque to Monsanto Chemical Co. for distinction among Chemical Mfrs of the U.S.  The award was made thru a special committee of chemists, selected for this purpose. The whole event was admirably arranged and carried out by Kirkpatrick, of Chem & Met. who presided the dinner, in the Council room of the University Club. As usually he made a great success of it. - I was seated on the speakers table next to Mr. [[strikethrough]] Dubois Clesne[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Gaston Dubois, chemical director of Monsanto. On the left of Kirkpatrick was Dubois and on his left sat I. Then on the right side of Kirkpatrick sat [[strikethrough]] Monsanta [[/strikethrough]] Queeney, president of Monsanto, who was to receive the plaque, and on his right sat Lamot Dupont of the Dupont Co. - Excellent speeches broadcast by [[strikethrough]] raido [[/strikethrough]] radio, followed by a cinema showing the fallacy of the reproaches made [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] against the so-called "machine age", and graphically demonstrating how much [[strikethrough]] worse [[/strikethrough]] better the population of the U.S. is now than before the Machine Age and our new 

Transcription Notes:
Edited to add strikethrough text per instructions