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Asked him to send me 2 more
Mr. Jack Dresh, dentist and one of the [[strikethrough]] du [[/strikethrough]] our directors of the Luxene department came to visit me. He lives 2779 S.W. 22 Ave Miami. A very interesting man of pleasant manner. Gave me an opportunity of asking him many questions about Luxene. [[strikethrough]] R [[/strikethrough]] After he left had the visit of R.W Harrison, my old friend of photographic times. Had a long talk about old times and happenings. Stayed until dark. 
[[underline]] Jan. 30 Sunday [[/underline]] Was very much surprised to see a very long article in the Miami Daily News, describing my whole career and work, also exaggerating my merits. - [[strikethrough]] I wonder who Mr. [[/strikethrough]] The article was attributed on the heading to [[underline]] "Cecil R. Warren - Daily News Staff Writer." [[/underline]] 
As the article referred to conversations with Andrew Murray my care taker, I interrogated the latter. He tells me that
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last year after I had left a man visited my garden asking information about our varnish panels testing. But he had not seen nor heard from him since then, nor anybody else inquiring
My wound on my [[strikethrough]] sh [[/strikethrough]] left shin is still bleeding lightly. So put on a little more iodine and new dressing. Beautiful day
[[underline]] Jan 31 [[/underline]] Beautiful day, sunny and mild. Had visit of old lady and a young graduate of M.I.T. who came to consult me about Bakelite for a stopper device. Referred him to our office and gave him some reprints. Late afternoon had the pleasant visit of Dr. Fairchild who brought me some candle-nuts, which I intend to send to Bloomfield for varnish department. Long pleasant interesting talk as usually
[[underline]] Feb 1 [[/underline]] A Beautiful day. At 9 AM left on ION with Murray and Rowe, to visit Matheson Island, where we [[/strikethrough]] anchored in  [[/strikethrough]] tied at the dock of the Hurricane Harbor.