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That this common Council extends to Dr. Leo Baekeland its congratulations upon the signal honors received by him, and that the Clerk be directed to forward a copy of this resolution to him. 
  Very truly yours, Francis J. Heaby 
                    City Clerk
Wind Mill out of order. Found full of lime incrustations & valves gone. Put in order by mill expert. But seems to draw less water. Has the level of fresh water in the ground diminished since so many neighbors have [[driven?]] wells?
Telephone company puts the wires underground so as to avoid break downs, thru storms or rubbing of leaves of Coconut Palms.
[[underlined]] Feb 15. [[/underlined]]
Busy day as usually
[[underlined]] Feb 16. [[/underlined]] (176000 5th Ave). Hays Mrs. Hays and daughter visited this afternoon
[[underlined]] Feb 17. [[/underlined]] Went to the [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] Tea at the Yacht Club, for about one hour
[[underlined]] Feb 18. [[/underlined]] Had visit of Mr. Petche of Yonkers and his brother also of Frank Cunningham 2173 North Bay Road, Miami Beach. Stories of old times, and let them drink my home made wine
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Celine's cold better
[[underlined]] Feb 19. [[/underlined]] Very busy all day. Letters etc. Preparations for Feb 22. general meeting of Yachts on Key Biscayne. -
[[underlined]] Feb 20. [[/underlined]](Sunday) We have had a succession of beautiful weather ever since I came but no rain. George Baekeland notified us about a week ago of the illness of his son Brooksie, caused by infection of drinking fresh milk in his school. Treatment will require considerable time and will put him back in his class. It seems as if his plan to enter Harvard this year will have to be abandoned. - High fever and high blood pressure. Damnable stubborness of people drinking "that nice fresh cow's milk," when drinking evaporated and irradiated with ultra-violet rays. - as I have done now for years; instead of the milk [[strikethrough]] led o [[/strikethrough]] put the door by some dirty dairy men.
Yet Celine and all the family [[strikethrough]] keep [[/strikethrough]] stick stubbornly to their use of "that nice fresh farmer's milk, or dairies
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Feb 20. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]
^[[underlined]] Feb 21. [[/underlined]] Beautiful morning. Celine painting in garden.  Started packing & provisions for ION for