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[[vertical notation in left margin]] Washington's Birthday [[/left margin]]
tomorrow's annual Yacht Fish chowder party. Obtained guest cards for Celine, Dr. & Mrs. Fairchild, Judge & Mrs. Ritter Colonel Duncan & Mr. Taylor. As last year, they all went with big boat from Yacht Club 
6 guest tickets = 2.50 x 6 = $15.00 
While Andrew and I left my harbor at 8 A.M. and arrived first at the Hacienda Yacht Basin on ^[[Key-]]Biscayne at 8:45 A.M. Admirable weather. About 30 minutes later arrived Mr. & Mrs. Doherty on his motor yacht "Dryad" 
The whole basin, tables and huts have been much improved since last year. The six big [[strikethrough]] kettles [[/strikethrough]] iron kettles, with the ingredients for the chowder, were already steaming and "Uncle Charlie" as director, and his crew of Negros and Negro women, were earnestly at work.
The Yacht Club boat with guests arrived at about 10:45 A.M. Mr. Arthur James Curtis and his yacht were not present are now at Nassau. I served our luncheon on deck of Ion. Met many friends; also new visitors. Newspaper reporters photographers of [[strikethrough]] av [[/strikethrough]] various newspapers who came to photograph me and guests. See Miami Daily News of Jan 23. Probably also Sunday edition of Miami Herald.
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Also Professor Ulric Dahlgren (Biology & histology) Princeton University and his German wife. Everything ran perfectly.  Returned with my guests on ION, to our port, whence they got their cars [[strikethrough]] no [[/strikethrough]] which had been left in morning at Yacht Club. - A perfect day!
[[underlined]] Feb 23. [[/underlined]] Tried to start making my [[strikethrough]] ta [[/strikethrough]] Income Tax Returns for 1937, which made me feel gloomy until I found to my intense surprise that Dear Celine had been at work at it and had finished everything in excellent order. - This is one of the most unexpected and pleasant surprises I ever had. - So feel very happy
This afternoon copious rain much needed.  Received a typewritten letter from Brooksie Baekeland, excellently written and showing a high minded brain, notwithstanding his present illness. - Seems to have decided that contrary to what his teacher thought on account of his illness and resulting absence of school, he will thru private study make up for lost time [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] and be prepared for entrance in Harvard. The boy is now 17 and has developed into a man and shows the best tendencies and great abilities. May his illness not spoil this. I feel elated, so does Celine. No wonder we spent part of the day analysing and discussing our children