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Andrew casting gravel around Royal Palms alongside Southerly wall on lower ground of our property 
Evening visited Dr. Fairchild 
He read me his address to be delivered at some institution in the West and denouncing City life and distribution of plants and trees. Comparing city bred humorously to the blind termites, which live underground, and the Chinese who after deforesting their country made no further progress and whose life became also similar to that of the Thermites. A masterful treatment of the subject. - I hope that the address will be published in book form.
The third kitten which was lost was brought back by the cat which had taken it up the roof for sheltering it against ants. The little group is now very interesting, the kittens play together like little monkeys.  All have now their eyes open.
[[underlined]] May 19 [[/underlined]] Bright pleasant weather. Started packing for northward trip. Wrote letter of congratulations to Mr. Robert Moore of varnish dept of Bakelite Corp.  congratulating him on his election as President of the Am. Institute of Chemists
Had visit of Mr. ^[[Julian Eaton]] who came to consult me about varnishes to line metallic containers in which American wines have to be handled or stored. A long letter of Dr. Stauss in 
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Germany, telling Bakelite Gesellschaft at its recent annual meeting will not distribute dividends notwithstanding its profits for the past year amount to one million Reichs mark.  That it has been decided that last year 1,200,000 R.M have been invested in new buildings and that the turn over was 10000 tons which means the banner year [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] since the existence of Bakelite Gesellschaft. He also writes that Germany today is very different from what it really is [[strikethrough]] and is [[/strikethrough]] represented to be by the foreign press. That the 6000000 unemployed of 1932, at present there is no unemployment whatever. Wrote a long letter to Redman who is still in Canada
May 20. Went to Fairchild's at 5 P.M.
[[underlined]] May 21. [[/underlined]] Busy packing and putting order in things. [[strikethrough]] This a [[/strikethrough]] Went to Fairchild, afternoon. Mrs. F. was gone to Boston to meet the fiancée of Fairchilds son Graham, who wants to get married. I drove Fairchild to the Mango farm of the widow of dear old Simmons who lives there all alone on this 10 acre farm on which her husband has planted the many specimens of Mangos Fairchild has brought back from many tropical lands