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early. [[strikethrough]] May [[/strikethrough]]
May 29 (Sunday). Up early and refreshed. The President of Garret Wine Co had sent me one case of excellent American Sauterne and one case of " [[" refers to American]] champagne, with his compliments. Undoubtedly thru courtesy of Mr. Eaton who came to consult me in Coconut Grove about varnish for their wine containers
The large Scott Radio, which George gave to his mother, plays better than ever before, since it has been inspected. Restful lovely day undisturbed by visitors and listening to excellent music of Radio. Temperature this morning was 60°F, somewhat warmer later on, but it does not feel very cool. Beautiful sunshine. George B. reports every one in his family well.
[[underlined]] May 30. [[/underlined]] At Office. Told to Rossi telephone to Toronto Bakelite Co, not to open our plant for visitors during meeting of S.C.I. Went to University Club for luncheon. Pleasant day of sunshine. Business still at a loss due to much reduced orders. Similar to almost all business concerns
[[underlined]] May 31. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Remained [[/strikethrough]] At office in morning. Rested afternoon preparing for tonights invitation of Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler for dinner to meet a small group
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of different Universities or who are to receive honorary degrees tomorrow.
^[[Mr.]] Cameron, who every week gives a broadcast on ^[[the]] Sunday evening of the Ford Co. concert; on reviewing present unsatisfactory business conditions and unemployment, gave his statistics as to what the strikes in the U.S have done in five years. He says there have been 93 000 000 days of strikes in the U.S. equivalent to 361000 full years during these five years. No wonder [[strikethrough]] ever [[/strikethrough]] that everything is going wrong. The private dinner at Dr. Butlers was held in his house.
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] June 1 [[/underlined]] Today is commencement [[/strikethrough]]
The other guests who were there are: Prof. José Castillego, Professor of Law, Madrid 
Sir Herbert Grierson, Lord Rector of Edinburgh U. 
Thomas Mann exiled German novelist and critic, Nobel Prize. 
Dr. James Hampton Kirkland chancellor emeritus of Vanderbilt University 
Charles Seymour, President Yale U.
Oliver M. W. Sprague, Economist 
Robert Gordon Spraul, President of University California 
^[[Dr.]] Gano Dunn President of Cooper Institute 
A very pleasant evening. Dr. Butler made a short and excellent speech. Very interesting conversation between guests.
When I met Sir Herbert Grierson, I did not recognise him as the very man who last year conferred the honorary