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Afterwards went for luncheon to the Faculty Club with Professor MacKee ^[[Ralph McKee]] and his daughter who is an M.D and makes an excellent impression.
[[underlined]] Nov 16 [[/underlined]]  
[[vertical notation in left margin]] 75th Anniversary [[/notation in left margin]]
Found [[underlined]] endless letters [[/underlined]] and telegrams of congratulations for anniversary on my desk from U.S. and foreign countries. Many of them from Germany, and German engineering and chemical Societies - besides personal letters or telegrams.
[[strikethrough]] Nov 17. [[/strikethrough]]  
Went to Automobile show at Great Central Palace.  Better and more interesting than ever. 
[[vertical notation in left margin]] Bragging of Brady [[/notation in left margin]]
In the late afternoon [[underlined]] Wieth [[/underlined]] came to my office on the part of [[underlined]] Dr. Schmidt, Mcharg [[/underlined]] and others at Bloomfield, to [[underlined]] complain [[/underlined]] about the ever increasing arrogance and [[underlined]] bragging of Brady. [[/underlined]] - Situation has reached the point where several men, have expressed their intention of leaving Bakelite Corporation, [[strikethrough]] unless [[/strikethrough]] if [[underlined]] Brady [[/underlined]] is not called to order. I feel greatly [[pined?]] to hear this altho' I am not astonished at it. - Talked the matter over with [[underlined]] Sanford Brown, [[/underlined]] who
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[[underlined]] endorses the complaints of Wieth, [[/underlined]] - so does Rossi. I shall arrange a meeting at our office tomorrow morning. Rossi says cannot be present as he is leaving for a hunting trip. Called up George Baekeland at his house per telephone. He will be present tomorrow.
[[strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Nov. 17. [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Nov. 17. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Held meeting [[/strikethrough]] Presided meeting at the office on subject of [[underlined]] Brady. [[/underlined]] Present besides myself, George Baekeland, Sanford Brown, Wieth, Dr. Schmidt and Mcharb. After interrogating them and letting them give each at [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] his own turn an account of the [[underlined]] arrogance and behavior and bragging  of Brady, [[/underlined]] we came to the anonymous conclusion that this must be stopped. George ^[[B]] who at first wanted to excuse Brady as it was George who had him brought in our factory, changed his attitude after he had listened to the details of the acts and behavior of Brady. - [[strikethrough]] I bel [[/strikethrough]] I believe this is a case of insanity. [[underlined]] George becamed convinced that we must discharge Brady, [[/underlined]] and we were unanimous on this decision.
[[underlined]] November 18. [[/underlined]] At Snug Rock attending to belated writing

Transcription Notes:
Immaterial strikethroughs omitted as per instructions