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to bed early. Wrote Celine to bring my two binoculars along.
Jan. 23. 
[[large X in left margin]]
This morning on getting up, had the [[underlined]] same pain left on lower back, which made it painful to get up, [[/underlined]] but not so badly as yesterday. Drove to [[underlined]] Dr. Jeffrey for advice. [[/underlined]] He himself has an attac of gout and received no other patients. He says it [[underlined]] is not Sciatica but a bit of gout and slugness of blood circulation in the sitting [[/underlined]] muscles. Prescribed [[underlined]] Aspirin [[/underlined]] tablets.
Wrote long letter [[underlined]] "strictly confidential" to Prof. Hixson [[/underlined]] giving him resume of my conclusions after 2 days deliberation with Dean Barker. Afternoon short abundant rainfall.
Letter from Celine that one of the [[underlined]] Roll Boys X fell on the ice [[/underlined]] and is now in treatment for [[underlined]] damaged neck and in straight iron collar. [[/underlined]]
[[note in left margin]] X Baekeland Roll [[/note in left margin]] 
Saw in The New York times of Saturday a long article on the front page, printing in detail the [[underlined]] long testimony George [[/underlined]] ^[[Baekeland]] had given on Saturday in Washington in relation to patent reform. He described how by means of Bakelite
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
and our Plyboard method airplanes could be manufactured in [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a fraction of the time as present methods require now. He [[underlined]] was complimented by the Commissioner on Patents [[/underlined]] and congratulated by many.
Poor boy has had a long session and is played out now. He writes me intends to rest at [[underlined]] Jean Ribaut Club [[/underlined]] Fort George Island, Fla. near Jacksonville for a few days.
His [[underlined]] testimony caused quite a stirr. [[/underlined]] Several people here spoke about it.  Other papers also published his statements. I showed the article to Mr. John D. [[underlined]] Pennekamp, managing editor [[/underlined]] of the Miami Herald.
[[strikethrough]] Got a [[/strikethrough]] Wrote a [[underlined]] letter to Dr. Butler of Columbia University [[/underlined]] calling his attention to the fact that our Faculty of [[strikethrough]] Eng [[/strikethrough]] Chemical Engineering is at [[underlined]] loggerheads with Dean Barker, [[/underlined]] and giving him my views. Got letters from Hixson

Transcription Notes:
Immaterial strikethroughs omitted as per instructions