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Howard & Mrs. H. called here with a British Friend, Naval officer of Lighthouses in Bahamas.  
Ion is put on dock for scraping her hull from barnacles.
[[underlined]] April 25. [[/underlined]] Afternoon went to visit Fairchild.
[[left margin]] ⨂ [[/left margin]]  
[[underlined]] Left ear still suppurating [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] April 26. [[/underlined]] Usual inspection by Dr. Palmer. Left ear still same condition. This afternoon 1:50 P.M went out on ION. SE wind. First used Diesel-Motor, then sail on returning. Back in our harbor at 4:50 P.M.
[[underlined]] April 27. [[/underlined]] Visit to Dr. Palmer.  
Left on ION to Sand Key. Left 1:30 P.M. Passed Soldier Key 2:40 P.M in line of observation of [[blank space]]. Arrived before Sand Key cut at 3:45 P.M. Back in my harbor at 6 P.M.
[[underlined]] April 28. [[/underlined]] Listened to Hitlers' speech challenging Roosevelts broadcast.  Impudent as ever. 
[[strikethrough]] Went [[/strikethrough]] After examination by Dr. Palmer, went to Dr. Misner to tighten my top plate of Bakelite denture.
[[left margin]] ⨂ [[/left margin]] 
[[underlined]] Dr. Palmer is now using Mercuro- [[/underlined]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[strikethrough in top right corner]] 9 [[/strikethrough]] 
[[underlined]] chrome on my left ear. [[/underlined]]
[[left margin]] [[underlined]] Dickeys marriage [[/underlined]]
George writes us that his eldest daughter Dickey has fallen in love with a German engineer, who is a naturalised American citizen since 10 years. I fear any amount of trouble and complications with this international marriage, in present times.
It will be a miracle if [[underlined]] Dicky [[/underlined]] with her independent ways and stubborn attitudes, could make a successful marriage. She has been a problem and may more become so, after the first love period cools down.
[[underlined]] April 29. [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin]] ⨂ [[/left margin]] 
Inspection by Dr. Palmer [[underlined]] Progress seems very slow [[/underlined]] in coming.
[[underlined]] April 30. = Sunday. [[/underlined]]  Celine went for dinner at Mrs. Deering's. Am answering many letters. A quiet beautiful day
[[underlined]] May [[overwritten]] 31 [[/overwritten]] 1. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Went to vote at Coconut Grove.  Quiet orderly meeting of voters in the Fire-engine house. - Then to Dr. Palmer. He tells me that my left ear has improved. [[/strikethrough]]
[[left margin]] ⨂ [[/left margin]] 
Went to Dr. [[underlined]] Palmer. Says wants to try Xrays after Dr. Raap [[/underlined]] comes back.
Answered letter of Texier of French Bakelite and sent his