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[[strikethrough]] Apr [[/strikethrough]] March 30. Beautiful Day.. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Nigger [[red line pointing to "Rowe"]] [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] 
Went out [[red underline]] sailing [[/red underline]] this morning in [[red underline]] Pram [[/red underline]] with Rowe, to sandy island opposite the Air-port. 
[[underline]] March 31 = Sunday. [[/underline]] Steady light Easterly breeze. Temp. 82 
April 1 (Monday). Went to Sears Roebuck to buy [[strikethrough]] fans with [[/strikethrough]] electric [[red underline]] fans with rubber [[/red underline]] flexible blades. They have discontinued this excellent outfit because the [[red underline]] [[underline]] rubber [[/underline]] blades did not stand [[/red underline]] Wrote letter to Wieth, Alexander, Lowe and Toch
[[underline]] April 2. [[/underline]] Went to Miami at pharmacy ([[blank space]]) to buy [[red underline]] a new single truss because the double truss prescribed by Dr. Betts [[/red underline]] causes me ^[[endless]] unpleasant pain. - Now again a [[red underline]] single truss, much more comfortable. - Feel much relieved. Carl Brandt [[/red underline]] was the man who adjusted the truss ([[blank space]] 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] George severe towards Brooks [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] 
Received a very unpleasant letter from [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] in which he is [[red underline]] unduly severe toward Brooksie. [[/red underline]] Celine feels the same as I and wrote a letter to George on this subject. [[underline]] April 3. [[/underline]] Went to visit my dear old friend [[red underline]] R.W. Harrison, who was the first professional photographer [[/red underline]] to use [[bold red underline]] Velox. [[/bold red underline]] - [[strikethrough]] He is still f [[/strikethrough]] In his retired life he is still vigorously interested in Science and its developments. 
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This afternoon met at Munroes yard: Colonel Clarence C. Culret. U.S. Army retired he lives in Chinese Village of Coral Gables and has a great joy in boats. This afternoon went out in Pram with [[red underline]] Rowe. [[/red underline]] - fine weather good wind. - Feel younger 
[[underline]] April 4. [[/underline]] Clear fine weather. This morning went sailing in Pram. - Afternoon went out with ION. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Scroll of Honorary  member of Chemists Club [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] 
Wrote letter to W.F. George Chairman Welfare Committee of Chemist Club, that I [[red underline]] accept to present Scroll of Honorary member of the Chemist Club [[/red underline]] to Prof. Marston [[red underline]] T. Bogert [[/red underline]] on Friday [[red underline]] May 24. [[/red underline]] 
The [[red underline]] caretaker of Il Jardin is a Belgian = Bechman [[/red underline]] Reported to Capt. Downer that the slated wooden beacon directing course from Biscayne Bay to our channel, is note visible [[strikethrough]] if [[/strikethrough]] when sun is setting in the North. - This is due to the red paint on the slats. This red paint has probably been mixed with a paint containing lead. The latter darkening the color by sulfureux emanations as occur from shallow sea water near shore on a warm windless day. [[underline]] April 5. [[/underline]] Went to visit Mr. Arthur Curtis James; [[/red underline]] found him laying