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[[double underline]] Sunday [[/double underline]] [[strikethrough]] 19. [[/strikethrough]] May 19. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Poison ivy [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] 
[[red bracket in left margin that encloses the following text:]] 
Read an interestic article on [[red underline]] Poison Ivy [[/red underline]] and similars in the [[red underline]] British Encyclopedia Brittanica [[/red underline]] 
[[/red bracket in left margin]]
Continued my application of Permanganate and Magnesium sulphate. Itching and swelling has diminished somewhat but nevertheless continues. Newspapers report further barbarisms of the Germans. Disgusting! 
[[note in left margin]] 165.285 [[/note in left margin]] 
[[underline]] May 20. [[/underline]] Went to office to clear my belongings from my office, to be sent to my new office of Union Carbide. 
[[red underline]] Two of my front Bakelite teeth got broken last night by dropping in porcelan basin. [[/red underline]] On of the men in our dental department took my upper teeth bunch to a dentist who fixes them.
[[vertical note in left margin]] [[strikethrough]] Union Carbide [[/strikethrough]] [[in red]] Broke my denture [[/in red]] [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
The men of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] our [[red underline]] dental department [[/red underline]] took this occasion of expressing their view and to try [[red underline]] to remain with Bakelite [[/red underline]] as at present. Promised them to convey their views to George and to [[red underline]] Holmgren. [[/red underline]] 
German are somewhat quiter today in their war in Flanders. [[red underline]] Lindberg [[/red underline]] published a long article in the newspapers, publishing his own views about the war and more specially about our U.S. [[red underline]] Airplane situation. - Many papers took exception to his views. [[/red underline]] Late war news is horrible: [[red underline]] French head [[/red underline]]of their army [[red underline]]is publicly scolded and replaced. [[/red underline]] At present British troops are isolated on the continent and surrounded by the Germans. 
[[underline]] May 21. [[/underline]] Strong [[red underline]] reaction in France against the 
blunders of the men at the head of [[/red underline]] the army. New commander is appointed [[end page]] 
[[start page]] 
[[note in top margin in red]] Portrait [[/note in top margin in red]]
[[underline]] May 22. [[/underline]] Germans [[torn area on page]]ng stemmed by French troops, [[torn area on page]] stopped their way towards harbors, where the Germans want to reach England. [[underline]] May 23. [[/underline]] According to information from Burdine's in Miami, I went this morning to Wanamaker store [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] so that their artist [[red underline]] Miss [[strikethrough]] Duri [[/strikethrough]] Durrie of the "Photo Reflex Studio" (J. Wanamaker), X [[/red underline]] on 5th floor may correct the photo-painting portrait of me; which was made at [[red underline]] Burdine's. [[/red underline]] 
[[vertical note in left margin]] 
X Mrs. Facemeyer painter? [[in red]] PORTRAIT [[/in red]] [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
- The young lady seems very expert in her art, and made corrections which greatly improved my likeness. Visited my [[red underline]] new offices at Union Carbide [[/red underline]] where my former [[strikethrough]] future, and [[/strikethrough]] furniture and former belongings have just arrived. Britain has proclaimed [[underline]] drastic [[/underline]] military rules on all enterprises, ownerships enrolment of soldiers etc. etc. labor, travelling etc. The Germans are still in Flanders trying to reach ports and fortifications. 
My ^[[new]] address is now c/o [[red and black underline]] Union Carbide [[/red and black underline]] [[strikethrough]] 42d street [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] 30 East 42d street" ^[[Union Carbide 42 str.]] [[/red underline]] Bakelite Corporation Room 1130. [[vertical note in left margin]] [[strikethrough]] St [[/strikethrough]] Eleventh Floor Room 30 [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
The confounded brutal Irishmen are using present war conditions for killing and setting fire anything english. 
[[underline]] May 24. [[/underline]] 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Anchorage [[/red underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] 
Received 2 letters from Coconut Grove, one from Andrew, the other from the [[red underline]] widow of Calvert, [[/red underline]] who last year committed suicide. She [[strikethrough]] makes [[/strikethrough]] tells Andrew and his darkies is ill behaving and doing damage to her property and that [[red underline]] drunken negros [[/red underline]] are shooting guns and [[red underline]] straying nails [[/red underline]] in her drive-way which burst