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news from her brother [[red underline]] Frederic nor of her sister who is ill [[/red underline]] in Bruges. 
[[underline]] May 30 [[/underline]] Mailed a letter to Dr. Carl R. [[red underline]] Woodward [[/red underline]] Secretary of Rutgers University, that [[red underline]] unforeseen circumstances compel me to forego participation at commencement exercises [[/red underline]] (and obtaining. [[red underline]] Hon. Dr. Degree. [[/red underline]] Today is [[red underline]] Memorial Day. [[/red underline]] The help is gone to New York. - So [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] and myself alone here are talking of days gone by long ago, and of the present horrible war. [[red underline]] Today a perfect spring day [[/red underline]] with fresh foliage and flowers among trees and bush. Our mind and conversation turn to the horrid war going on in Europe. 
[[underline]] May 31. [[/underline]] The newspapers are full about the [[red underline]] happenings in Flanders and [[/red underline]] the resignation of [[red underline]] King Leopold III. [[/red underline]] Some excuse his actions, others condemn it. - His children have been sent to [[red underline]] Portugal [[/red underline]] to join their [[strikethrough]] mother [[/strikethrough]] grand mother - Met Brooksie at the U.C. 
[[vertical note in left margin]] Met Brooksie at U.C. [[/vertical note in left margin]] [[underline]] June 1 [[/underline]] = The Allies, including [[red underline]] British  [[strikethrough]] Flemish [[/strikethrough]] Flemish and Walloons have been successfully transported to British ports, [[/red underline]] without much loss from the Germans. - June 2. Sunday 
[[underline]] June 3 [[/underline]] Went to Bakelite office; then to U.C. = [[red underline]] More bad war news. Went to Columbia. [[/red underline]] Met Prof. Morton Arendt. 316. Engineering and promised him to send oil portrait of Pupin, which I have now at Yonkers.
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[[strikethrough]] [[underline]] June 4 [[/underline]] Went to Columbia then to office [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Bad news from the war. The Germans [[/red underline]] have arranged [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] so that they [[red underline]] expect Italy and Spain to join them and take Gibraltar away from the British. [[/red underline]]
[[strikethrough]] [[underline]] June 4 [[/underline]] [[/strikethrough]] Germans have [[red underline]] bombed [[/red underline]] several sections of [[red underline]] Paris and are distributing more lies [[/red underline]] about their gains. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Dr. Butler Ill [[/vertical note in left margin in red]] [[underline]] June 4. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Columbia Commencement. [[strikethrough]] Dr. Pres [[/strikethrough]]  President Butler is ill [[/red underline]] and contrary to his long custom will not deliver his annual address in person. I joined the annual luncheon as guest of the older graduates, where met many friends I had not seen since many years. Bright but hot weather, very different from last year when it rained. The ceremony was admirably conducted. 
[[underline]] June 5 [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Further bad news from the War. [[/red underline]] the Germans advancing in France and dropping more bombs on Paris and other places. 
Went to [[red underline]] World's Fair. [[/red underline]] - seemed to be well frequented but [[red underline]] mostly by children. [[/red underline]] This evening after returning to [[strikethrough]] Smig [[/strikethrough]] "Snug Rock" - I overheard on the long distance Radio, [[strikethrough]] a long [[/strikethrough]] from Germany, a long list of "missing"

Transcription Notes:
Walloons = French-speaking people in Belgium