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gone to or whether they are still alive. [[underline]] July 15. [[/underline]] Went to office. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] tells me he is preparing to go to [[red underline]] South America [[/red underline]] with his wife so as to get acquainted with business conditions there. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Union Carbide [[/vertical note in left margin in red]]
Also tells me that [[red underline]] Union Carbide [[/red underline]] has decided to build a large synthetic Rubber plant in Texas, and intends to spend several million Dollars (3 millions?) on it. For this purposes needs much and cheap gas. Therefore will use cheap natural gas. 
[[underline]] July 16. [[/underline]] Wrote Andrew to know whether tiles promised by Johns Mandeville have arrived and whether the floor has been reset by them
[[underline]] July 17. [[/underline]] Beautiful day. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Beautiful excursion [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
[[red underline]] Dick [[/red underline]] took me out to a beautiful [[strikethrough]] drive dripe [[/strikethrough]] drive along the [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] spendid roads on the West-side of the Hudson. [[/red underline]] This being Monday there was almost no traffic so could go on slowly and stop at many beautiful strips. The generous donation of Rockefeller of his enormous land estate including forests etc has transformed this former wilderness in a masterly way to a great public park. - Very orderly driving and met few cars; Crossed the iron suspended bridge over the Hudson at Bear Mountain ^[[1:30 P.M]]. Then returned over the new Parkway equally well laid out and finally reached Snug Rock at [[strikethrough]] 3[[/strikethrough]] 5:40 P.M. [[red underline]] Dick [[/red underline]] is an excellent driver and well informed man. Newspaper more than ever full of bad [[/red underline]] 
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[[red underline]] war news [[/red underline]] and dangerous situation in Britain. Still no news from any member of our family in Europe. 
[[underline]] July 18 [[/underline]] This evening meeting in Chicago of democrat politicians. A noisy ill behaved crowd. - Very different from the Republican meeting where [[blank space]] was elected candidate. - Farley who expected to present himself instead of Roosevelt announced his withdrawal. Seems to have a very lucrative business post offered to him.
[[underline]] July [[overwritten]] 18 [[/overwritten]] 19. [[/underline]] 
[[red underline]] Dick drove me to Georges [[/red underline]] house in ^[[X]] [[red underline]] Connecticut. 
[[vertical note in left margin]] X [[red and black underline]] Southport [[/red and black underline]] [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
[[/red underline]] He and his wife had taken injections as a precaution against contagious diseases in their trip to South America. George still suffers of this injection and feels downcast but it does not seem to affect his wife. 
Went to visit the Yacht Club near by and saw his pretty new sail yacht. He intends to leave New York by [[strikethrough]] by On [[/strikethrough]] train. [[strikethrough]] 11.A.M. [[/strikethrough]] that will take him to Coconut Grove, where he will stop 2 days to take next plane for the South. [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] He will leave N.Y. Friday 26 by train to Miami. Stay 2 or 3 days there - (stop at the Anchorage.) then fly south from Coconut Grove Air-station. - Have written to Andrew about his arrival. Went to office. - Then paid a visit to the men in the office of Hooker Electrochemical Co. Pleasant interview.