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[[note in top margin in red]] Relatives & War. [[/note in top margin]]
[[vertical in left margin in red]] Letter from Frederic daughter [[/vertical in left margin]]
[[red underline]] daughter in Southern France [[/red underline]] where she has established a school for [[strikethrough]] chek [[/strikethrough]] girls of well to do refugees, who escaped from the North of France after annexation by the Germans. - She says [[red underline]] Frederic was in Switzerland. [[/red underline]] This letter was mailed several months ago.
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Shortage of food in Europe [[/vertical note in left margin]] 
Cudahy [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] American Ambassador in Belgium causes quite a stirr by printing in the press that the [[red underline]] people of Belgium are short of food and in a short time will be unable to find enough to [[/red underline]] eat. - 
This published statement has aroused Washington, with the result that [[red underline]] Cudahy [[/red underline]] has been called to Washington. - He is much criticized by our other ambassadors for his lack of method by [[strikethrough]] not [[/strikethrough]] publishing his opinion. That man is an example of the kind of Ambassadors, who are political appointees, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] after spending [[strikethrough]] their [[/strikethrough]] money for election of Roosevelt etc. 
[[underline]] Aug 8 [[/underline]] - At Snug Rock all day  
[[underline]] Aug 9. [[/underline]] On [[red underline]] August 10-1889 we left Antwerp on our wedding [[/red underline]] trip on S.S. [[red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Westerland [[/red underline]] [[/strikethrough]] Westerland 
[[end page]] 
[[start page]] 
[[note in left and top margin in red]] Retrospects of our happy [[red underline]] marriage [[/red underline]] [[/note in left and top margin]]
and Celine with myself found here in this country a never dreamt of career and success and many friends who inspired us by their example. 
[[underline]] Aug 10. [[/underline]] All alone. - Took trolley to Yonkers - Very hot day. But found cool shelter in one of the several [[red underline]] Cinema [[/red underline]] theaters, with excellent plays. - Was impressed with the [[red underline]] excellent behavior of the men, women and children. [[/red underline]] and the comfort of "air-conditioned" atmosphere in such a hot day
[[underline]] August 11 [[/underline]] (Sunday). - Wanting to give the help a holiday. [[strikethrough]] I too [[/strikethrough]] 
^[[So]] I locked the doors of Snug Rock and took [[red underline]] trolley to van Cortland [[/red underline]] Park; then the subway as far as New York down town. [[red underline]] When I got out I found I was at West 12 street. [[/red underline]] 
A part of [[red underline]] New York [[/red underline]] I had not seen since almost a half century. 
[[vertical note in left margin in red]] Old New York [[/vertical note in left margin]]
I was astonished that the [[red underline]] streets were kept so clean, [[/red underline]] and very few on them. - No noise, all houses and stores closed. - All very interesting and a great improvement on former times. - Then walked into 14th street, where we used to board fifty odd years ago. - Houses and stores seem about the same. Streets also kept very clean. Quite different