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from [[red underline]] the time when horses were the only transportation before motor cars were invented. [[/red underline]] So I walked to Union Square Park. - Where I found [[red underline]] the idle and poor [[/red underline]] discussing among themselves their grievances and philosophies. - An unshaven group, with worn out or torn clothes similar to Hyde Park in London. - Walking further along Broadway I saw a repetition  [[strikethrough]] of the same [[/strikethrough]] a similar group, of men socialists and other isms. Following 5th Ave I reached the [[red underline]] Century Club, [[/red underline]] where I found my dear friend Henry de Forest Baldwin ^[[Treasurer]] 
I had not seen since long and who is the treasurer of the Century. - Had a long interesting talk together about old times [[red underline]] old friends [[/red underline]] and present problems. Very pleasant meeting. Caught the 4 P.M. train for Yonkers where Dick awaited me with our motor car. - This days excursion brought back many reminiscences of younger years. 
[[underline]] August 12 [[/underline]] (Monday) Stayed at 
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[[note in left top margin]] 
[[overwritten]] 178.944 [[/overwritten]] 178.960 [[/note in left top margin]] 
Snug Rock all day, reading and writing. Dick had a day off and took his mother and sister to the World's Fair. 
^[[Aug 13]] George phoned me from the office. - He got back from a few days of stay at our Camp in the Adirondacks. 
[[underline]] August [[/underline]] 14. - Went to office. Then to University Club. - Wanted to meet Prof. [[red underline]] Hixson [[/red underline]] at Columbia U. to give my [[strikethrough]] decided [[/strikethrough]] decisive vote for appointing [[red underline]] Dr. Thomas B. Drew [[/red underline]] as associate professor of ^[[the]] chemical engineering staff at a salary of $6000. But Mrs. Hixson tells me her husband has left town. [[vertical in left margin in red]] New Eye Glasses [[/vertical in left margin]] 
Got [[red underline]] extra pair of glasses from Leeds in Yonkers. [[/red underline]] 
At [[red underline]] Snug Rock [[/red underline]] the mechaniciens have started replacing our old house heating [[strikethrough]] office [[/strikethrough]] ^[[outfit]] for a new one less liable to cause trouble. Thus far the job has been done cleanly and without any disturbance. The British [[red underline]] Royal Air forces have shown the Nazis, [[/red underline]] what the Britishers can retaliate, by air. They have dropped bombs etc on different parts of Germany and other parts of Europe, the [[red underline]] Mediteranian [[/red underline]]